After many requests for a greenhouse tour...
...Here is the view from the front door first thing this morning....

It was a fairly warm day today.....not too hot or I got busy and pulled some energy out of my butt and brought all of the plants out for some fresh air. 

Yea...(groan) the hockey net is still there....I didn't show the close up of the black puck scars that are all over the siding....(he calls them goals....I call them near death experience if they don't come off!)
My big pots for this year....
...Here is the view from the front door first thing this morning....
5 hours later and the floor has been removed....(the foam tiles things have been hosed down and it is time to slowly move my aching body to put them all back inside (we still have frost at night here for about 3 more weeks)
I am very disappointed in my greenhouse this year....(a story I will save for a later post)
I didn't know if you had any of those people eating plants. What's up! I see, I see. I want one of everthing. I have missed you girlfriend. I know, we know you are busy this time of year; but you gotta let us know if your're kneel deep in flowers. Toots these are so beautiful and I will show you what little I hav accomplished but they look so.......... well you know they need a couple of weeks. Glad your're up there and at them; I know you must be extremely tired. One look at at that green house and it makes me exhausted.
Love you girl.
I can see why your yard is so beautiful.
Thaks for sharing, I love looking at beautiful yards.
I have holes in the shed wall and our fence from my sons{3} practicing pitching baseballs...B O Y S!!!!!
I know I'm new to your blog and I may have just missed this, but do you do this for a living or as an artistic output, cause girl, you are the master. To live where you do and have everything just waiting to go, I am so impressed!
I'd like to know what about your greenhouse is disappointing, because all I see is beautiful!
Justine :o )
They are going to be awesome in the garden!!!!
CiNdEeS' GaRdEn
You are one amazing gal!
♥ & Miss you BUNCHES!!!!!!
Hugs, Terrie
So what's up with the greenhouse??? And what didn't make it???
Check out my amaryllis - the fertilizer worked miracles!
☺♥☺ Diane
A friend gave me 3 different old fashion rose bushes and an old lilac today - we got those planted but like you there is still frost here for 2 more weeks.
Been thinking of you friend and praying!
Maybe the RMS chat ladies need to plan a raid!
Please know my spring blessings are being sent your way!
Have a happy Fertilizer Friday, Tootsie!!!
Happy Gardening! Best wishes, Lori