
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Little Tweeking Happened-Just Tootsie-ing Around

Today I am making my home sing in the decorating department. Now-in this adventure...I went junkin . Yes...Yes I did. Because of this exciting event, I am also involved in a metamorphosis of sorts. Not a huge one....but a good one.
Thanks to momstheword and Between Naps on the Porch for hosting both of these wonderful parties! Click on the respective photos above to see what everyone else is doing for each of these theme days.
As I mentioned, I went junkin ... I got this chest of drawers (around here they are called high-boys) It already had painted a faux treatment on it, and I thought for sure that this handi-work was perfect (can you believe that this piece used to be solid white?- I think it is pretty like this) Unfortunately, it had a bit too much of a green undertone for the room I wanted to place it in, so I had to Tootsie it up a bit.
I grabbed a can of cherry wood stain and went to work!
I had my lovely assistant helping-since Busy was away at her Nana's house for the week-I was stuck with Bumble Bee BUGGING me. (Miss Pooh kindly was snoring on my bed-when he wasn't BUGGING her)
I spray painted the handles to the drawers hammered gray.
Now...the chest of drawers has a cherry undertone to compliment my bedroom furniture. This is the dresser to my set. It is cherry.
Here is the finished and accessorized product! This is the metamorphosis part of my post today, what do you think? I am thinking I like it. The setting I used on the camera doesn't do it justice. Honest.I have also been accessorizing to make my home sing. I have put together a few little displays around the house to please my bored eyes...I just used this and that from around the house and in my crawl space. I hate this corner. The tall breakfast bar makes most things look out of place...and I hated the bar stools, so they are gone...gone for good! I don't mind this look for now.
Some odds and ends on a tray in the living room on an old trunk
This is my sofa table. It has a wire tea pot that I filled with some vase fillers that I found at a grocery store a few weeks back, They are made from some sort of a spongy wood. I love them.
Here's a close up of each one.
And now I am tired...and might even go sit and relax with a good read...or maybe make something! Bumble Bee is passed out on my leg...and I hope I can slip away before he notices that I am awake!"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" He's sooooo tired! lol
Make sure you stop and browse all the posts linked to the two meme's that I have joined today...there are lots of inspiring words, and projects to peek at!
Happy Monday!


Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

Love the dresser... it's beautiful!
And I have to say.... your house is singing!!!

~Amy @ The Lemon Cottage

Ellie Mae's Cottage said...

Great job with the dresser! Your home is lovely and the kitty so cute! -Jackie

Melissa Miller said...

Oh Tootsie you have created such a beautiful piece! Your bedroom is gorgeous. Love all the pretty vignettes you made and of course sweet lil' Bumblebee. He's a doll! :)

momstheword said...

I loved the title of your post, lol! I just love seeing inside your house. You are such a talented decorator, girl. How come you never submit your pictures to a decorating magazine? Your gardens too? (Or maybe you have).

The dresser is beautiful girl. Ooooh, so is the kitty!

Thank you for linking up today!

Anonymous said...

Yes your house is looking wonderful as usual!! So does Lil sista get to come and raid your garage?

Looks like Bumble Bee is fitting in nicely to his surroundings!! SO CUTE! Makes me want to go out and find a kitty but I don't think Mikey would like that too well!!

Dr gave ok to travel so I will get to have all my furniture here by next week!!! Yahoo!
We go to close on the house in NM and pack the rest of the furniture late this week


Darla said...

Great job Tootsie!! I can hear the singing all the way in Florida...

Linda said...

House is looking great ... I love that wire teapot.

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

WOW! What a stunningly beautiful bedroom and house! You have done such a great job and have a real flair for decorating. Love your garden pictures too!
Love Collette xxx

"Blossom" said...

Toots, this is awesome. What a transformation and it looks like your other furniture. Wow, I can't believe your sista gave it up. Gosh, wait until she sees this. Your home is beautiful and I love that bed!!!!!!!!!!

Amelia said...

Hey! Are the kidlets home? Hope they had lots of fun and have found a new appreciation for their mommy! Ha! 16 years is way too long to go with out a break, I'm glad you were able to have this time to yourself! :0) It just goes by way too fast hey? When I get a few hours to myself I almost panic cause I have so much I want to do and don't know what to do first! Then it's not a break cause I'm tired from cramming in all I wanted to do into a few hours of freedom :0)! The dresser looks great! Enjoy! I'm doing laundry today....yeay! Hope you have a good one:0)!

DarcyLee said...

What a beautiful job on the high boy dresser! I love it when I find something old and then can make it over into something "new." Great pictures.

Pug1 said...

Hi Tootsie...great job! Did you sand the dresser first? I'm curious because in my kitchen I have 1961 cabinets that are weathered and I'm wondering if I could just stain them.....without sanding??? CHEERS! Michele

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

The chest turned out fabulous. I love it. So nice to have more storage always. I also love all the wonderful little vignetts you've created. Doesn't it make you feel good to change things up a bit. Your wire teapot is a perfect candidate for the "Cloche Party" we're having on Sept. 11th. It would be wonderful with some Fall decorations. Love all your changes. Hugs, Marty


Hi Tootsie,
The dresser looks great!! and I love visiting your home.
Sweet little kitty :)
Happy Monday!
Deb :)

Lona said...

You did such a great job on the chest of drawers. What a difference. Your decorating always just is so pretty. You have an eye for the details girl.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Hi Tootsie...beautiful vignettes...wish I had the talent to do those! Your chest turned out amazing...hard to believe it's the same one! Bet your sis is having second thoughts now! Love how well it goes with your dresser...just beautiful! Your kitten is precious. I've been thinking of getting a kitten since Mr. Max is alone during the day. They are sooo cute! :-)Susan

Jesikarena said...

Great job on the "high boy"! it matches your set really good!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

You really are talented! The dresser turned out great, and I like the kitty sitting in the drawer :)

Carla said...

Our babycat has started sleeping with me, and I find myself being careful how I sleep, so as not to wake the baby! Isn't it fun to just move stuff around and play? Love your look, very cozy, and I TOTALLY love your bedroom set-smart matching of the chest (hubby would LOVE that tv:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Miss Tootsie you deserve a little rest, like Bumble-bee (sooo cute!)
Love the after on the chest, too. How long will it take for lilsista to want it back? LOL!

Thanks so much for stopping by yesterday!
Have a magnificent Monday afternoon!

Betty said...

Beautiful dresser, A+ for the way you finished it. Haven't see the likes of those vase fillers around here but like those. And Bumblebee, so sweet!

Lady Katherine said...

I had to do a double look to see if this was the same chest! You did an awesome job on it! I love the wire teapot and flowers! Best of all I love the bed... With the sign! I need one of those! Yes, I do! Love it all, Tootsie!

SmilingSally said...

You did a fine job! Aren't kittens the cutest things?

Dirt Princess said...

I love everything!! Looks great!

Sue said...

tootsie you did a great job with the chest, it looks awesome! Your tweaking looks great too, isn't it necessary to tweak every once in awhile, and fun!! Bumble Bee is so cute! What are ya gonna do all week with Busy gone?? You poor thing! LOL!

Tamara Jansen said...

I'm waiting to see how your garden is coming along, Tootsie :)

squawmama said...

Hey Tootsie I guess you did do some Tootsieing around your home... And it looks great! Love the dresser and all your little vignettes... And also how cute is that little bumblebee... Have a fun Moinday!!!


Anonymous said...

Tootsie the chest of drawers is beautiful as is everything else you showed. Yup it's a singin' alright! Just gorgeous!!!
OK I have a confession to make. Remember I redid my birdfeeder? Really in great time - a Tootsie minute. But while you were doing big jobs like refinishing chests I am still working on the varnish!!! I know my bad!!! But I'll get it done. Just busy with other things.
I also have a dresser from my sis. When I moved down from Alaska and had lots of furniture and other stuff to buy she donated this to me FROM HER BASEMENT! How kind of her. So I took it and refinished it - green back in the 70's oh so popular! When Bob and I got together we were hauling out the old to move in 'new' old. As he was hauling out this wonderful old relic my sis had so kindly given me (because she thought it stunk) he almost dropped it when he saw that the back of it was stamped 'solid oak.' He yelled - who in the ____ painted this. I said (in my most timid little voice) I did but someone else painted it first!!!!! Well, he refinished it and even built a mirror (with harps) that looks like it came with it originally and it's beautiful. My sister just gets sick every time she sees it. That'll teach her to give me her crap (out of the goodness of her heart). LOL

Dawn Marie said...

another great decorator. your home is so peaceful and wonderfully decorated.

Justine said...

Oh wow, the wood stain you used gave that chest new life. It looks fabulous, and I LOVE the accessorizing you've been doing. Wish I had the talent to put stuff together like that.

And aw, but Bumblebee (BB!) is sooooooooo cute!

Justine :o )

Four Paws and Co said...

Oooohhhh, I am so in love with your tiny little baby guy!!!

Okay, just had to say that! Now, I need info - did you sand the high boy first? Or did you just jump in there with the stain??? Will it peel??? Did you put a clear coat of something on it?

We inherited a dining table & chairs that need to be refinished. (I want to keep the same stain color on them.) I'm looking for the easiest way to accomplish this without having the table & chairs lined up outside for days on end while I work on them. ☺ Diane

artis1111 said...

Tootsie, come by a blog I am hosting called Love the wire tea pot!!

artis1111 said...

I can't spell for nothing! appalachianarts.blogspot,com hehehe LOL Kathy

Jessica said...


It turned out gorgeous! Your bedroom is stunning~ I'm in awe. I just love that bumblebee to pieces.

Love you bunches, too!

Kammy said...

Looks great Tootsie ! I like your little helper too ! Love your decorator touches !
Hugs , Kammy

susan said...

You did a great job--Be careful. She may want it back. I redid an old dresser for my son and then I wanted to keep it!

Blondie's Journal said...


I love what you did with this dresser!! I have a "stain phobia"! I always thought that you had to completely strip a piece before you could I wrong??

I also love all of your little vignettes. I like the flower fillers. I hope I can find some because I just bought 2 apothacary jars and don't know what to do with them Hubby thinks I should use them for their original purpose and fill them with all my medications!

Happy Met Monday!! :-)


Sassy said...

Everything you touch....blooms! Your home is to die for....♥ it! I even mentioned your name in my post today.....because the scorched earth I live on needs are awesome!!!!

The JR said...

I don't think that there is anything that you can't do! Love little BB.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh girl I am so glad I came back to visit or I would have missed this great post...Now girl you did an awesome job on that high boy and I love the old trunk coffee table you have...Is there nothing you can't do?? Love you girl...Thanks for the phone call it make my whole day much brighter my friend...your the best Toots...Len just looked at your yard and he also can't beleive all you can do with just s afew seeds and your stepping stone patio he thought was great...May you have a wonderful week ya, Gl♥ria