Welcome to Fertilizer Friday!!! Today we feed and Flaunt our Flowers and plants! Grab your feeder and give your flowers, and houseplants a kick in the roots!
Grab my photo above, link back to this post, and add yourself to the mister linky at the bottom of this post. Flaunt your flowers with some of the most talented gardeners I have met! I can't wait to see what you guys share this week!
It has been raining all week here, so there is not a lot of WOW in my garden this week. Here's what I have...

The header bed....

That "garbage" pot....looks wonderful and smells fabulous! boy does my grass need a mow or what?

I love the way the snap dragons color out!

This Clematis was a write off....looks like she heard me say she was getting the yank if she didn't bloom!!!

On the tree house...

Mandevilla refusing to bloom...but the petunias are doing okay...

The lavatera is almost ready to bloom....and another clematis that is getting her act together...

wild flowers...

such a tiny black bloom on them....

front side bed exploded this week in the cool weather...

Volunteer Malva....I have been trying to talk Grammie and Grampie to throw some of these seeds around in the beds at the farm....so? what do you think????

Ivy is blooming and making a mess on my front door mat! lol

And Justin thought this was dead....he underestimated the power of Tootsie's will....

Tea Pot bird bath in the Nicotana....for
Darla to see....(please pretend you can't see me in that mirror!!!)

More Snaps!!!

they don't get much sunnier than this yellow do they?
And that's all I have!!! well not all....but you know what I mean! lol
Now...it is your turn to share some garden WOW with us!! Link up and take the garden tours! Don't forget to add yourself to the linky....so everyone can pop in to see your flaunting!!
I guess it would be cheaper for me to sow my flowers seeds and then I could afford to have them in bunches. They all look stunning.
Have a wonderful Friday,
Anyway, your garden is unbelievaby beautiful.
Thanks for visiting and you must post your magnet board if you make one!
Have a wonderful weekend, Dear One,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Big hugs~ J
Have a great week! Stacey
Still nothing looking to good here. I have a few blooms but mostly things are fried. The weather has cooled off the last few days so I am going to get out and try to do some deadheading, back permitting(-: Happy FF have a great weekend!!!!
What kind of lavatera do you have? I have a picture of mine today, it's been taking it's sweet time this year.
Your flowers look absolutely wonderful. I love all the reds...so healthy..lots of rain and some sun too!
lots of tlc....and love I see..
have a super day