Thank you to all of you for the Christmas and New Year greetings...I had some "issues" with my laptop...but thankfully, this is a thing of the past, and I am up and running again, hopefully to get around to all of your blogs for a little visit!
In the mean time...Please head over to visit Darla at More Family and Flowers for a challeng to share what we are grateful for... Me...I'm grateful that I don't have to warm up my truck...it is cold and snowing here again...and a heated garage is something to be very grateful for around these parts early in the morning! What are you grateful for? head over and join Darla...it will open your eyes to the little things that mean the most!
See you Friday!!! I can't wait to see what you have growing...or dying...or just green!

Happy New Year. Hope you had a wonderful holiday! It is just frigid here with more snow on the way. Be glad you have that heated garage. We have a ton of storage and my hubby's flashy car in the garage so I am in the driveway. Totally unheated!!
Hope to be in FF once something starts to grow. I am in indoor plant serial killer, so I don't think I will be able to contribute. I will be by to see what you have, my friend! :-)
I know couples who do not have a single shared interest and that seems very sad to me.
Up until last winter we'd not had any decent amount of snow for years. This year is already surpassing last year by quite a few inches and I'm loving it! My inner 8 year old is having a ball :)
Living it up at Lakewood,
Love you girlie!
Justine :o )
Your post is wonderful to see.
I have a heated garage too.
when I built this house, the second in 5 years, I had him put a huge double long window. the doors have windows so it is pretty light. I have my ivy hanging there for next year.
Can't wait to garden,
Yaahoo !!!! yvonne
Also...such a firecracker in your continuance of Fertilizer Fridays in winter in Canada!!! Man...you are a wild woman!!!
I have just the same ol' stuff in my yard...I feel bad posting it over and over since it ain't much!!! LOLOL!
You go girl!!!
xoxo- Julie
I love Darla's idea and a heated garage sounds great!
I will try and find something to share!!!
Missed you..glad you got some time off. I will try to find something to post...unfortunately we are covered in snow..so may take me awhile to find something..I can't wait until spring! Miss Bloomers/Sonia
I'm Grateful for all my blogger friends, they help keep me entertained for sure, Gotta love all,
So the Gremlins attacked your PC?? I had a few attacks on several items in November, what a pain, but its all GOOD,,
the best is yet to come,
PS. that package is ON the way, and has been for a week plus. Hope it all survives!
Oh I have to say that I am grateful for my senses ie touch, smell, sight, hearing etc etc.
Rosie :)
I was thinking of you today - I have packed away most of Christmas- keeping my little white tree up till Valentines I think- so am thinking about spring and planting and seeds and needing to get my grow lights put up somewhere so I can get a heads start this year! It is an unsightly contraption so needs to be somewhere hiding. I haven't gotten any seed catalogs for some reason yet. Do you have any seed suggestions for this spring to try?
Your plants are beautiful! We are expecting a wee bit of rain..but it usually passes us by! Your plants make your room just beautiful!
I am looking forward to seeing what you do in Spring. I NEED help! :)
I had a wee computer issue today. I went in to change something in my blog profile and I ended up changing the wrong thing and I think I may have severed all connections I had - links and blog followers and that sort of thing. I still want to be your blog friend. If you still want to follow me, you may have to redo it. I learn everything on the computer through trial and error and this was one big error! Sorry about that.
-Gayle (GardenofDaisies)