Tattered and Torn.... Valance / Garland Tutorial

Well Hello There!!!   I’m so glad you dropped by!   I want to thank everyone for all of the kind words about my kitchen renovation.  You are all so very sweet!   There were a lot of questions about the unusual valances that I made to dress the windows in this room... and as promised… today I am sharing the tutorial on how to make them!
  These valances were very simple and super cheap to make…and they added just the right touch to my curtains!
I made them out of paper!  Yep…that’s right…Paper…pages out of old books to be exact.  
All you will need to make these valances/ garlands is:
*one old book.   (you will need to measure your window…it will take one 500 to 600 page book to do about 3 feet of space …depending on how full you want your garland to be)  (mine are full)
* scissors
  Once you have chosen your book…begin tearing out the pages making sure none of the glue or binding is still attached.  Continue removing the pages until your book cover is empty.
~~Remember that the pages of the book you choose will determine the size of the garland you are making…if you want a “fat” one…use a larger page…if you are wanting to make a “skinny” one, perhaps a paperback or cutting the pages down to your preferred size is an option. I used a reader’s digest condensed book for my valance garlands. ~~
Once all the pages are removed from the book binding…fold each page in half loosely …
…and with your scissors make about a 1 inch long cut in the middle of each page.
You will end up with a slit like this when you have made the cut.
Next…take each page one at a time and crumple them up…throw them on the floor and make a great big mess!!!   (The cats at my house were in their glory running and diving in the pile of crumpled pages on the floor…they were EVERYWHERE when they were done playing with them!  ha ha!)
When all the papers are crumpled, you will then need to gently un-crumple them, and lay them on the table.  Do not smooth them out completely…the rumpled look is what we are going for.
With the paper all ready to go…we need to cut ourselves a piece of twine to string it on.  Measure your window and and add about 12 inches or so to the length of your twine.  This will allow a bit of room to work with.
Tie the ends of the twine into a loop knot.
Begin to thread the knot through the slits in each  page, until you have strung the whole lot.
When you are finished it should look something like this!  Now that you have made yourself a nice full garland, you can hang it where ever you like!   Use the loops at the end of the string to attach the piece to the wall.  
This project was so simple that my 7 year old was helping make another garland…  
…we didn’t have a window that needed it left, so we tied it into a circle and hung it on her door.  
Just think of all the places you could use this idea!   Windows…are just the beginning!   If you made them small enough you could have fancy little garlands and decorations for your Christmas tree!  The possibilities are as big as your imagination will allow!
I have enjoyed this little project and was very pleased with the results I got…I do hope you will have as much fun and success as I did!   Where are you going to use your paper garland???  I’d love to hear from you!
Until Next Time…Happy Crafting / Decorating!
*)*)*) Don't point fingers unless you are sure you  have clean hands...just sayin’
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Terra said…
Cute as a valance and I am thinking Christmas wreath also.
Anonymous said…
Your garland is so cute Tootsie! I have thought about doing this for my booth.

You have been working hard on your kitchen and I hope you are able to enjoy it now that it looks completed!
Great job!

bee blessed
Unknown said…
ooh,ooh bout to make me some!
deb said…
SUch a fun and easy garland..my type ;)

I hear ya about getting used to a new computer....''you know who" sent malware and virus'to me and literally killed mine. I lost everything. All my before pics of my bedroom I am redoing, but can't blog about until the divorce is over, lawyer documents, 20 pages of proof of jobs apllied for (for the judge)You name it I lost it. Luckily my oldest has a Treasure pile of his own...computer parts from when others upgrade. He got me back up and running, but updated me with a new windows...agggh! Takes me forever to remember the different steps...which are not only from all the updated programs but he has all my stuff going directly to the server then back to my computer, so that if a$$h@le does it again all my "stuff" is saved onto the server. Or at least that is how I "understand" it. LOL He talks I listen and nod ;) LOL

Feels like I have to got thru a billion steps to do what used to take 2...but I AM learning. Kinda..LOL I have my notes on how to do/get where I want to..Just need to remember to use them..I keep forgetting I have them...I swear he malwared my mind too!

You are doing a beautiful job on your place, I am so envious of you. You always sound so upbeat and positive. I keep trying to be that way, don't want my blog to become a downer. And besides everyone has their own problems and don't need to hear mine.

I'm so proud of you. You have picked yourself up and dusted yourself off. I'm sure there are days when you feel down too. I admire you and look to you for inspiration. You never fail me.

Well, you can see what kinda mood I'm in today...sappy. LOL

Take care and know I think of you a lot.
*hugs*deb xoxoxo

I keep forgetting to say how gorgeous your header photo is! I have ignored my poor gardens for so long...but I feel a change comming. I'm ready for Spring!!!
See I told ya my mind was messed with!! LOL
Have a great day ♥
RobinfromCA said…
Love this garland and really want to make a wreath like this! I had to "Pin" it so others can come by and see your lovely blog and ideas!
Lona said…
That is so cute Glenda! I love that idea.
momstheword said…
Tootsie, my dear! It's been too long. Had to pop over and see what you're up to. Love your new header!

I am loving this paper valance and hope you don't mind if I pin it. It just begs to be shared!