As many of you have probably noticed…I LOVE PAINT. Not Chalk paint…but latex paint. Chalk paint just doesn’t do ‘it’ for me…and I think it’s a colossal waste of time and money…so unless I find a brand that does what I want it to do…there won’t be any chalk paint posts from me. I don’t do fads, and I think Chalk paint is just that. This post…like most of the others I’ve done…is a latex paint project.
Over the years you guys have seen me paint a LOT of different things…and for the most part I was sure of how the project would turn out before I even did it. This time, however, I decided that I had nothing to lose…and I was VERY skeptical about how it would turn out…but SOMETHING had to change…so either way this project was going to get done.
Do you remember a few years back when I got my antique sofa set? Of course you do!
In case you don’t …this is the sofa.
![005b_thumb[1] 005b_thumb[1]](
Do you remember how much I hated the color of that set, so I decided to try to dye the velvet? Of course you do!
In case you don’t…this is her after I dyed her fabric…
![056a_thumb[1] 056a_thumb[1]](
We LOVED her new color…and I never did get around to updating the wood on it…BUT…after three full years of us using her…moving her...vacuuming her…and even steam cleaning her…the dye faded.
To read the whole post about the dye and the way I went about that here.
It looked sad. Just sad and OLD.

This is our everyday living room furniture...we USE it. I imagine that had it just been in a sitting room, with occasional use…it would have lasted a lot longer…but…it didn’t and so I am in the ‘mood’ to fix it up a bit again.
It was getting an update no matter if I had to take the time out to reupholster it…or not…so in MY mind…I had nothing to lose. We all hated the way it looked at this time…and the Cowboy even suggested we toss it in the dumpster and find a different set to add to our home. One way or another…there was going to be a much nicer view in our living room.
SOOO…the most outrageous thing I have ever painted became…my antique French Provincial sofa set.
I just could NOT look at this sad, faded view any longer. It was at the point where we were embarrassed to even have people see it! When the decision was made…I was determined to make my idea work no matter what…and if it didn’t…I’d either let them hit the dumpster OR reupholster them.

With nothing to lose…I hit the paint shop, chose my color…and got the girl to mix me up a can of flat latex paint. I wanted a darker shade…so as to hide that nasty pink…and I wanted something neutral. I chose a color called Cambridge by General Paint. It is a dark brown with grey undertones.
I had been researching painting velvet fabric for a few days, and I saw NO posts that were successful in painting velvet…and …and saw that I needed fabric medium…or glycerine…and there was NO way I was going to go to that expense for an experiment…PLUS…living in this tiny little town, there was no way I was going to get my hot little hands on either of those…so I decided to do what I do best…and use my experience with paint…and wing it!
I made my own recipe using specific parts vinegar, water and paint, and went to work on a project that all of my research said could not successfully be done.
When I first started…I was using my mixture AND a spray bottle of water, like I had seen in the posts I read of others trying this. I figured that if I sprayed the fabric first, it would allow the fibers to soak up the paint better…but that was not the case…all that did was create more work for me. (which is also where I think the others that tried and failed went wrong)

By adding the extra water from the spray bottle…I was diluting my mixture even more than I wanted to and ended up needing to do a second coat! So…that spray bottle got ditched..and I just went with my little wax brush and painted in a circular motion (pushing down firmly) to make sure that the paint would get between all of the fibers in the velvet.
This is the type of brush I found the best to get right into the grain of the fabric…I borrowed this photo from the internet as I forgot to take a photo of mine.

It took a fair amount of time to get the entire sofa set and cushions done…but I finished it! I then used a regular soft bristle brush to paint the wood parts of my sofa in a full strength paint in the same color! I could have used my fabric recipe to do the wood as well…but it was faster for me to just use it full strength.

I set up a fan to get it to dry faster because I was SOOO excited to see how it was going to turn out. It felt like FOREVER before it was dry…when in reality it was only a couple of hours…but an excited Tootsie is an impatient one!
Let me tell you…it was WORTH THE WAIT!!!

The first couple of days, it was as you’d expect it to be…just a little stiff…but not crunchy or solid…but the more we used it, the fabric softened right up!

The next weekend…I found time to finish the set…and I am absolutley amazed at the difference it made to the entire room.
We all love the new look AND feel of the fabric…and I am proud to say that velvet CAN BE PAINTED and that it won’t be crunchy and hard but instead soft!

My antique sofa set looks like brand new!…well almost. I am waiting on my new foam to put into the cushions, because as you can see the old stuff is kinda tired. That will make another huge difference.
As you can imagine…the fresh look of the furniture has prompted a bit of a makeover of the entire room…and once it’s done, I will share again…but I just could not wait to say that I did it!…and I am glad!
So…that’s it for me for today…What’s the most OUTRAGEOUS thing you’ve ever painted???
Will you try to paint YOUR living room furniture? If you want my recipe just say the word…I’d be happy to share.
Until next time…Happy painting!!!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot…
Over the years you guys have seen me paint a LOT of different things…and for the most part I was sure of how the project would turn out before I even did it. This time, however, I decided that I had nothing to lose…and I was VERY skeptical about how it would turn out…but SOMETHING had to change…so either way this project was going to get done.
Do you remember a few years back when I got my antique sofa set? Of course you do!
In case you don’t …this is the sofa.
Do you remember how much I hated the color of that set, so I decided to try to dye the velvet? Of course you do!
In case you don’t…this is her after I dyed her fabric…
We LOVED her new color…and I never did get around to updating the wood on it…BUT…after three full years of us using her…moving her...vacuuming her…and even steam cleaning her…the dye faded.
To read the whole post about the dye and the way I went about that here.
It looked sad. Just sad and OLD.
This is our everyday living room furniture...we USE it. I imagine that had it just been in a sitting room, with occasional use…it would have lasted a lot longer…but…it didn’t and so I am in the ‘mood’ to fix it up a bit again.
It was getting an update no matter if I had to take the time out to reupholster it…or not…so in MY mind…I had nothing to lose. We all hated the way it looked at this time…and the Cowboy even suggested we toss it in the dumpster and find a different set to add to our home. One way or another…there was going to be a much nicer view in our living room.
SOOO…the most outrageous thing I have ever painted became…my antique French Provincial sofa set.
I just could NOT look at this sad, faded view any longer. It was at the point where we were embarrassed to even have people see it! When the decision was made…I was determined to make my idea work no matter what…and if it didn’t…I’d either let them hit the dumpster OR reupholster them.
With nothing to lose…I hit the paint shop, chose my color…and got the girl to mix me up a can of flat latex paint. I wanted a darker shade…so as to hide that nasty pink…and I wanted something neutral. I chose a color called Cambridge by General Paint. It is a dark brown with grey undertones.
I had been researching painting velvet fabric for a few days, and I saw NO posts that were successful in painting velvet…and …and saw that I needed fabric medium…or glycerine…and there was NO way I was going to go to that expense for an experiment…PLUS…living in this tiny little town, there was no way I was going to get my hot little hands on either of those…so I decided to do what I do best…and use my experience with paint…and wing it!
I made my own recipe using specific parts vinegar, water and paint, and went to work on a project that all of my research said could not successfully be done.
When I first started…I was using my mixture AND a spray bottle of water, like I had seen in the posts I read of others trying this. I figured that if I sprayed the fabric first, it would allow the fibers to soak up the paint better…but that was not the case…all that did was create more work for me. (which is also where I think the others that tried and failed went wrong)
By adding the extra water from the spray bottle…I was diluting my mixture even more than I wanted to and ended up needing to do a second coat! So…that spray bottle got ditched..and I just went with my little wax brush and painted in a circular motion (pushing down firmly) to make sure that the paint would get between all of the fibers in the velvet.
This is the type of brush I found the best to get right into the grain of the fabric…I borrowed this photo from the internet as I forgot to take a photo of mine.
It took a fair amount of time to get the entire sofa set and cushions done…but I finished it! I then used a regular soft bristle brush to paint the wood parts of my sofa in a full strength paint in the same color! I could have used my fabric recipe to do the wood as well…but it was faster for me to just use it full strength.
I set up a fan to get it to dry faster because I was SOOO excited to see how it was going to turn out. It felt like FOREVER before it was dry…when in reality it was only a couple of hours…but an excited Tootsie is an impatient one!
Let me tell you…it was WORTH THE WAIT!!!
The first couple of days, it was as you’d expect it to be…just a little stiff…but not crunchy or solid…but the more we used it, the fabric softened right up!
The next weekend…I found time to finish the set…and I am absolutley amazed at the difference it made to the entire room.
We all love the new look AND feel of the fabric…and I am proud to say that velvet CAN BE PAINTED and that it won’t be crunchy and hard but instead soft!
My antique sofa set looks like brand new!…well almost. I am waiting on my new foam to put into the cushions, because as you can see the old stuff is kinda tired. That will make another huge difference.
As you can imagine…the fresh look of the furniture has prompted a bit of a makeover of the entire room…and once it’s done, I will share again…but I just could not wait to say that I did it!…and I am glad!
So…that’s it for me for today…What’s the most OUTRAGEOUS thing you’ve ever painted???
Will you try to paint YOUR living room furniture? If you want my recipe just say the word…I’d be happy to share.
Until next time…Happy painting!!!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot…