Grab your fertilizer and hit that garden...give those plants a kick in the roots!!!
When we are all done the feeding of the flowers...snap a few pictures and link up to Flaunt Your Flowers for Fertilizer Friday!!! Don't forget to take the FF Photo!!
Before we get started...I would like to thank you all for the sweet comments about my abscessed tooth. I was feeling a lot under the weather and in a huge amount of pain...I am no longer going back to the hospital every 12 hours for IV drugs...I am on an oral prescription now and will be having this tooth removed when the infection is all gone...the appt. is for the 6th of July.
Okay...now that we are ready...here's my offering this week...
Okay...your turn. Link up and show us what you have blooming! I always find great ideas in your gardens!!!
That potted arrangement? AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope your pain is WAY less today! Yippee on setting a date to have that bitch pulled!
Justine :o )
Thanks for the pictures - your garden is always an inspiration!
Once again your blooms look lovely! Everything is growing well and filling in(-: Things are going to fry here this weekend! It is suppose to be 106 on Saturday. I might not have anything left after that! Anyhow....
Happy Fertilizer Friday!!(-:
My FF post is ready to roll at 12:00am(-:
I love that posting option thing!
Have a great day and take care of yourself!!!! Now I have to go check out the bike...(-:
I just love to see what's blooming in your gardens. I love peonies...I don't think they grow here. I love your window box and your pot ( last pic ) is amazing....magazine worthy. :)
Hope you are doing well.
Big hugs from the 3 of us~ J
I haven't been around - good gardening weather the beginning of the week and grandsons since Tuesday and I just can't do it all! LOL But did get my FF ready this morning!
Your garden is growing nicely, Mary, Mary, but of course you're not Contrary!
Hope your toothache gets better and hope you have a great day!
Looking great as usual, and that last pic! Goodness, just beautiful!!
Glad to hear your tooth got the attention it needed and that your pain is being managed!
I am totally loving that portulaca window box, that is adorable.
Have a great weekend everybody!!
Happy Weekend....
P.S. LOVING THoSE Peonies that are starting to bloom in your garden.
The crop circle is coming in beautifully.
Glad you got some meds for your tooth and hope you're feeling better.
Yes, that is my hair and yup, I grew it myself, lol! Of couse it's shorter now.
Here I was patting myself on the back, because I finally got my window box up and filled with flowers, then I see this masterpiece! Your garbage pot is amazing. Cathy
I am not a meanie...tough love always takes a bad rap! :0) You do know I'm joking most of the time right? Lilsistas are supposed to irritate their big sistas....it's our job! :0)
Hope you are having a great weekend.