Well, another week has passed...and another Friday is upon us. It has been a week of celebration, special meals and fun. Canada Day, July 4th, the whole kit'n'kabootle! (did I spell that right?)
Since we have all enjoyed a treat or two this week, why not the plants? Grab your garden hose, (or watering can) and your fertilizer of choice....and get out there and feed those plants! House plants too...can't forget them!
Once you have watered...grab that camera, take some shots and link up to this post using the Mister Linky at the bottom of the page to FLAUNT YOUR FLOWERS!!!! Don't forget to take the FF photo!!!
Here is my offering for this week!

I finally (after 10 years) got a patio set!!! I still need to tweak the arrangement a little, but for now, it looks good!

My Tiger Lily in the back yard is in full force!

So is the Trumpet vine....the humming birds love this plant.

My front yard is filling in....

The Pansy's are smiling up a storm!

My beds are finally starting to come around too!

I love how bright these are today!

I was worried that if I pulled all the weeds...there would be nothing left! But lucky for me, I was wrong!

I added the hangers to the front of the steps....they are supposed to be door knockers, but if you turn them upside down, they hold a pot!

My bench...Oh how I love this bench.

And Last but not least....a bright orange Osteospermum!
Thanks for joining me today to take a walk in my garden....I do hope you will take this invitation to link in and share your garden with us!
Not much happening here. Its been 108 on down to 102 today all week! So things are pretty much in shock! The succulents love the heat! I guess I will have to snap a few pictures of what is left blooming tomorrow after my fertilizing extravaganza! I have been working on cleaning up beds from all the debris/dead heading etc. HFF!!!(-:
I love the bench too, I am so impressed that you made it yourself!
Can you see me? I'm doing cartwheels! Your patio set and your labor of love patio look AMAZING! YEAH! All your blooms are just gorgeous!
Really, I'm in complete awe.
Big hugs to you~ J
Anyhow, thanks for sharing your gorgeous gardens with us :-)
Did you really make the bench yourself? Bird houses too? Fantastic. You are just too much!
I wish so much I could join in but my flowers are not ready to be shown this year. I am brand new here and it takes time and a lot of work to get it in shape. I'm working on it though! :)
Thank you so much for sharing your home with us! I am in AW!
I didn't have time to take pictures for Fertilizer Friday yesterday because we were gone all day. I should have lots new to share next Friday.
Happy 4th....God bless, Linda
Friday was a busy busy day for me!! At the office they decided to work on Satuday (today) to take care of some outstanding matters, I suggested that we work late of Fri (yesterday), because I NEED my weekend!
Now on to your patio!! It is BEYOND beautiful, really!!! I RMS made just a stitch of sense I would suggest putting it on, but RMS is a mess!
Anyway, I am blown away at the beauty of your yard, I mean every square inch is perfection!! wow!!
I have been browsing many of your postings playing catchup and it appears Summer is in full swing.
Your Garden is absolutely marvelous Glenda! A real Garden of Eden in all its splendor.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful and safe Summer.
Hugs -Brenda-
P.S: It is more like Spring weather here, as we've had so much rain with cool temps. I suppose it is perfect for a Garden but not too great for the long awaited outdoor activities of Summer. Sigh!
I am definitely living in the wrong hemisphere. :)
Justine :o )
Your flowers are gorgeous!
Thanks for stopping over yesterday.