
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Hooray For Kickin’ It To the Curb!!!

This past weekend was loaded with action. We woke up on Saturday morning to a snow storm….Yes…I said SNOW. In my humble opinion the month of June should NEVER include the use of the word SNOW….ever. But, alas, Mother Nature doesn’t give two hoots what month it is. When she throws a tantrum…she goes all out.

With a cold and dreary day upon us, we were left with a few less choices of activities to do as a family. The kids love to go garage/yard sale hunting and junkin’…and that is what they wanted to do. So…we hopped into the truck and away we went…eager to find some treasures…and to spend a few hours together just enjoying each other.

We had forgotten that it was “kick it to the curb” weekend here in our fair city…and were just driving around from sale to sale. The kids found a few little items that turned their fancies…such as paperweights and a set of stereo speakers….and we were about to call it a day when we drove up onto a sight to behold all others!

Now, being me, I forgot my camera…so I can’t show you the things we saw at the actual site…but I can tell you…we were stunned. We first saw a lady struggling with a chair. I stopped the truck to see if she needed a hand…and asked where she was taking her wing back chair. She replied…’right to the curb with the others.’


I turned and saw a whole bunch of things just lined up on the curb by the street with signs on them that said FREE! That’s when she reminded me of the city wide Kick it to the curb program. This is a public program that promotes people putting their unwanted items onto the boulevard or curb for anyone who wants them to pick up. It is a local recycling promotion that has been around now for a couple of years. I think it is a great idea and has been very successful.

It turns out that this lady and her sister had been charged with dealing with the estate of their parents, who had passed about a year earlier. They had taken the things that they wanted from the home, and did not need, want or have room for the rest, so they decided to put it out this weekend for the community to peruse and claim.

When the kids and I offered our assistance (as she looked extremely pooped) she was shocked. No one had offered to help them, just loot (so to speak) She was very happy for the help and in return for the assistance of our muscles…she gave me not one but 4 fabulous chairs!

Here is what she gave us!


Is this NOT the cutest little chair? It turns out her grandfather created it from start to finish. All hand made. It is old…and there were several others left at the house, so they each took one…and the rest had to go…I have this one now…


I love the curves!

Then there’s the others…


This is the three big ones…and they are not really THAT big…but the projects they present to me are!!!


Yep!!! It’s orange…and I mean ORANGE!!! LOL but…it has great “bones”…030

…I think it will be fantastic all dressed up in another color…the orange is nice, if you are into that…but this one is not my color…and some of the panels are quite faded…whew! Thank goodness! lol

Next up…


This little white wing chair. It is in nearly perfect condition…just a bit of dust on her…I figure that for now…all I need to do is use my steam cleaner on her….and she will be good to go for a while…


…At least until I find inspiration for a fabulous change…haha

Are you ready for the last one???


I am super excited about this one…she is the first one to be getting a make over!


The olive green crushed velvet is just as 70’s as the orange tornado above…and my house is all in the earth tones…but ewe!!! Not loving the skirt…or the color! hahaha!

I am so pleased with my weekend treasures…I just love the ‘Kickin’ it to the Curb’ weekend here in our city!!! The kids and I had a wonderful day, and I also am thankful for those nice ladies that I stopped to help! You see…sometimes a simple gesture will benefit you in spades!!!

You guys will have to stay tuned for the make over post…I guarantee that the finished chairs will knock your socks off! I just know it!

I have the inspirations in my head…now I need to find the time on the clock to do them in! I can’t hardly wait to share them with you!

Stay tuned…I will share my progress as soon as I have some!!!!

I will be back again very soon…so hugs and smiles to you all…and wishes for a very successful week…I hope to find time to get around to see you all in the next few days…but as usual…being a single mom…keeps this Tootsie hoppin!

Until next time…Happy Junkin’/Decoratin’/Makin’ Over…and of course Gardening!!!!

*)*)*) to my very special three…I hope your week this week will bring you all that you so richly deserve! mwuah..xoxo! *)

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

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Terra said...

These chairs are fabulous and how nice they were given to you where they will be cared for, especially the chair handmade by the lady's grandfather.
I will check back to see the transformations you create.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

You're killing me...did the snow damage your gardens???? The chairs are awesome but I'm worried about those gorgeous plants...

onlymehere said...

It doesn't get any better than free! We need a program like that around here but sadly Utahns are so frugal I think all you'd see would be junk.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh my word, your chairs are all just fabulous. I am so thrilled for you, they are all wonderful. You really hit the jackpot. Of course, you are also the sweetest ever for offering to help these ladies. The Lord really blessed you. Hugs, Marty

The Green Pea said...

Great finds, Glenda. I like all of the chairs. The wooden one is so cute! The white one is my favorite.
The prices were the best....

Kristin said...

Wow, what a great find! We have a street curb program like that and it's great that something will be given a new life instead of going to the landfill. Those chairs will look awesome. I look forward to seeing the makeover.

Ricki Treleaven said...

Kick it to the curb sounds like a great program. I can't get over the snow. Did it harm your gorgeous garden?

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Awesome finds! Wow, that is like once and a lifetime! I can't wait to see the pics down the road of those chairs getting new upholstery!

Laura said...

New GFC follower from Not So Moody Monday:) Have a great week!


Darla said...

What a great idea to have a city wide kick it to the curb day! Great finds Toots and I know they will be incredible when you finish with them.

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

Hi! Found you through the Not So Moody Monday blog hop and am now following on GFC. I hope you can follow back also; I'd appreciate it so much ;-) I have a blog where I publish my own cat cartoons and you can find it at Have a lucky week!

Val said...

You have some big jobs ahead of you but I would love to have the challenge! You are a lucky one! I am going to go and catch up on some blogs with your FF because for some reason I could not leave comments again!!! But hopefully it is fixed now.

The JR said...

Good deal Tootsie!

Once they've been Tootsified, the transformation will be amazing!

The JR said...

p.s. SNOW!!!! OMG, what we would give for snow right now with last week over 100 degree weather and more of it this week.

Crunchy Frugalista said...

SNOW??? Omg where do you live. I think I would die if there was snow in June!!! Is that your garden in the your header. I am absolutely jealous if it is. It is gorgeous.... I am a new fan from Not So Moody Monday!


Unknown said...

Oh wow - snow in JUNE?! Craziness! Hope it clears up real soon for you all :) Can't wait to see what those chairs look like when you get finished with them - following you!

I really like your blog - I'm trying to get mine off the ground and was wondering if you could come check it out and consider following.

Hope you have an *amazing* day! :)


lorialcorn2006 said...

following you from the monday hop hope you can follow me too . You have a very nice blog ! Mine is here

Kristin Aquariann said...

Snow in June?! You poor thing. But wow, what amazing chairs. I wish my town had a Kick It To The Curb program.

Princess Mom said...

Oh I can't wait to see what you do with these chairs!!I love to find treasures and fix them up =)

following from Follow Us Monday Morning. Hope you can follow back!!
( New Giveaway on my blog w/LOW enteries)

Becca's Dirt said...

Glenda - I have decided that I'm coming to live in your neighborhood. I like the cold weather and need your inspiration. You lucky girl. Those are awesome chairs. Now I go along with you on the green velvet - yuck - the orange is kinda nice. The cream chair is awesome. I would leave it like it is. They are in such good shape - all the tucks are in place. Can't wait to see what you are up to.

BrendaC said...

In a word WOW, I went yard selling this weekend and found an antique dresser for ten dollars but your chairs certainly trump my deal. I am your newest GFC follower and would love if you dropped by my blog at when you have a chance. Looking forward to seeing what you do with those chairs!

Christina Herrera said...

Wow!!! I am so excited for you and your finds that I am jumping for joy!!! I can't wait to see what you do with them and how they turn out!

Thanks for stopping by my little blog and joining it, it made my day :)

Fresh Garden said...

The best chairs of the world!

Anonymous said...

Following you from the Tuesday hop. I have a new blog that really needs more followers. I hope you'll come visit at:

Thanks and Happy Tuesday!

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady. Your chairs are all lovely, and this was a great find sweet lady !!! I look forward to seeing the makeover !!! I also miss your comments sweet lady. I hope you have a Great Week.

Anonymous said...

New follower from the Sock Hop :)
The Job of Mommy

KerrieLynn, The Mix Gal said...

Hi, I found you through the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop and am your newest follower. I am following you on your GFC. If you get a chance stop over and check out my “Cupboard”…..hope to see you soon!

~KerrieLynn Ƹ̵̡Óś̵̨̄Ć·
Blog: KLs Cupboard
Facebook: KLs Cupboard
Twitter: KLs Cupboard

Shelby @ Shelby Lately said...

That orange chair is totally amazing, exactly as IS. Wow, what a steal. I am totally jealous. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop! I would love for you to visit my blog and follow back if/when you have a chance. And if you have Twitter, I'd love to be friends there as well. xoxo! & @shelbylatelycom

Victoria said...

WOW what great finds!!! I am actually quite excited to see what you'll do with those chairs, they're amazing! We did something similar with my grandparents' things when my grandmother passed away and my grandfather went into a home, except it was just our house, not a city-wide thing... I stuck a chair out on the sidewalk with a "free" sign on it, and sat by the window to watch all the people rubbernecking as they drove by!

Amanda Starr said...

New blogger, feel free to stop by!

Laura Lowe said...

Wow, great finds! Following you from the Catch A Wave hop - hope you'll follow me back at!

Shellsea said...

Hi, I'm stopping by from Wednesday Blog Hope - Love your blog I am a new follower and would love a follow back. :)

Love, Shellsea Blog

Chef in Training said...

nice chairs! I found your blog through a blog hop. I am your newest follower and would love it if you would follow my blog too! Thanks!

Angela said...

Thanks for joining my hop! Hope you come back every week. There's no rules except to mqke some new friends.

"Blossom" said...

That's just like you Toots to pitch in and help someone! You are amazing person Toots.
Have a great weekend and keep finding those kick to the curb items. Love ya girl.

Beth said...

So sorry to hear you had snow! My goodness, I agree, that shouldn't be in your vocabulary in June (let alone in your yard)! You received some great chairs. I'm happy for you, Tootsie. I'll see you at Fertilizer Friday. I've been MIA due to work and computer issues but I'm ready to play again this week!
Blessings, Beth

teresa said...

Wow! Would I love a kick it to the curb day. what a great idea. You and I could have such fun together curb shopping. It's one of my favorite things to do. Hope you are well and your family is too. My sympathy on the snow. that is horrible. they mentioned frost to us a week or so ago and today it was 95 degrees. Mother nature is a little mixed up I think. I thought frost sounded awful for June but Snow?

Kelly @ Stay at Home Trader said...

love your blog! found you on wobble over wednesday blog hop. wow, you sure have quite the project line up with those chairs! whew!!