Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers Sept. 23/11

Happy Friday!
Friday is a BIG day for us here at Tootsie Time…(ok, just me…there is no one else here…lol) It’s a big deal because it means it’s PARTY TIME!!!! Fertilizer Friday is the day of the week than an ELITE group of gardeners from all around the world get together, snap photos, link up and Flaunt Their Flowers!!!
If you are new to Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday, I just know you are asking yourself…”How do I join?”
Well…it’s easy really. Here’s all you need to know to become a part of this great group of gardeners, bloggers and friends:
If it is spring or summer where you live, you need to snap a few photos of what you have growing, blooming or just love to look at that is of the plant variety…if it is winter where you live, you may post past favorite photos…or indoor plants…whatever you like. The only criteria is that it is a plant or something growing!
You do not need to use fertilizer to participate in this party, but if you do, this is the reminder to fertilize weekly! All I ask is that: Your post must include the logo above and/or a link to Tootsie Time, or the linky will be deleted.
So....I would like to invite each and every one of you to join in and share your photos…


We have been blessed with some wonderful weather this last week of summer!!! The temperatures are just so nice and warm…I wish it wasn’t the end of the season!
Many things have finished in my gardens…and in a way that is a good thing, as I pull the decorations that I have had placed for years from the positions they were in. I took the white bike out of the flowerbed by the garage…and to fill that space, moved the flower tower over.


I hate that I have to dismantle the entire yard. It is bad enough having to pull the flowers when we get frost, but taking it all out, and packing it all up is almost heartbreaking! That spot beside the garage door seems so empty now!


I pulled out the old pump that my Dad gave me…the one I made into my fountain…and replaced the fire pit blocks to fill the hole it left.


My bike is now in the far back…I pulled it from this bed and placed a couple of pots in the empty space that it left. Man was that hard to get out…the tree had grown roots over the tires! I was a sweaty mess after getting that out of there. haha


It doesn’t look too bad with the petunias, rudbeckia, marigold and pansy pots in there…just not as pretty or interesting as when the bike was in there.


Boy does this area look bare!!! I dumped the large pots that were finished and looking ragged…took down the shelves over the BBQ and all the metal tea pots that I had on them. It is all in that wash tub waiting for me to put away. Most of my hanging pots were finished and looking awful, so I pulled and dumped them too.


I have gotten a lot of work done in between other busy things that keep my household hopping. The kids’ activities and school schedules keep me running my little feet off! I am putting all of this stuff that I have taken down to move back in the gravel area of the yard until I load it up and store it somewhere else! What a jumbled mess of wonderful junk!


There are some pretty things to share this week! Dahlia…and a little bee…


Osteospermum…so pretty!


Thymophilia and Bacopa…looking so pretty together!!!

I have enjoyed this color combination this year…

More Dahlias…

Rudbeckia….I love how they just bloom and bloom!

My proven winners calibrachoa is still going strong! Oh how I love this plant!!!


My pansy’s seem to be happy as they can be in their pot!


The grass is still green in my gardens…and many of the flowers are still blooming. I am lucky to still have the flowers blooming…it is almost October…normally the gardens would have been killed by frost at this time.
Friday is the first official day of fall for us all…the summer season is over…and we are getting ourselves a bit of an indian summer!
So? what are you waiting for…lets get flaunting!
Wishing you hugs, smiles and a safe and happy weekend…thanks to all who have taken the time to visit, comment and flaunt with me!
Until Next time…Happy Gardening!
*)*)*) to my special three…words can never make your actions erase. Some things, once they are done…are forever remembered.
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Millie said…
My, your garden still looks lovely.
Dear Tootsie ~ It is amazing how green your grass is and how much color you still have in your gardens. It must be hard dismantling what you have lovingly put together, but something better is around the corner, just waiting for your artistic touch.

Love and hugs to you and yours,
Gatsbys Gardens said…

Everything at your house still looks like summer. My garden is definitely speaking fall.

Diann said…
Your flowers still look absolutely gorgeous. You have been one busy lady lately! Thank you for hosting and have a fun weekend!
BernieH said…
It must be just so hard packing up and clearing out. My heart goes out to you. Despite all the things that have been moved and taken away, your garden still looks great. It's lovely to see so many bright colourful flowers around ... almost like they're hanging around just to cheer you up!
BEautiful as always. it's such a bummer closing down for winter in the garden. Oh well , makes the spring all the better. have a great friday!
lotusleaf said…
Tree roots have a habit of growing over things.Beautiful flowers! I like the violet and yellow colour combination.
Autumn Belle said…
Brave Lady, your green are your assets - they provide the magical Midas touch to all things you grow. Those that you bring along are your babies which will sprout new shoots and start new beginings. Leave behind only the emptiness. (((hugs)))
Beth said…
Your dahlias are gorgeous and so are the window boxes mounted on the fence. Lots of beauty in your yard. I know it must be very difficult moving things out in preparation to leave your beloved home and gardens. My prayers are with you.
Hugs, Beth
mzzbev said…
Will you please be my very own personal gardener! How I wish I had your gift.
xinex said…
Your garden is gorgeous, Tootsie. And that grass is growing beautifully in between your stepping stones.....Christine
Self Sagacity said…
I love the flower photos and your capture of the beautiful backyard.
Pamela Gordon said…
Your changes look great and I wouldn't know that those items were missing at all. It's all still very beautiful. Happy Fall!
Karen said…
Tootsie, I am amazed by how green everything is there, good for you, I'm glad you're getting a teensy bit longer summer. Heaven knows we cold weather survivors deserve every last bit of warmth we're given. I love the way your garden looks and how you're decorating for fall. Once I start to yank stuff out here, it will very dismal until next June, lol.

I hope you get a chance to rest a little this weekend.
deb said…
You are a strong lady! To take out then put it all back....no gym needed for you! LOL
Your gardens still look so alive and happy, made me smile ♥
Sue said…
I can't believe how well all your flowers are still doing. We lost so much WEEKS ago to frost. Well, you seem to be moving right along getting things emptied out. It's a big change for you.... I think of you from time to time and hope you are doing okay.
Anonymous said…
Your grass is so lush, your flower gardens are still strong and you my love are the force behind it all! You stay strong, soon you will be like an artist with a blank canvas!!
What a lovely flower parade! Have a great weekend :)
Donna said…
Fabulous colors this fall...your garden does still look like summer...mine does not...love the dahlias...after our drought I did not think mine would bloom but they finally are....Happy FF!!
Linda said…
Even though you are removing lots of pots and decorations the gardens still look lovely.
Larry said…
It all must be difficult... I can't imagine leaving my gardens, and yet the possibilities of a fresh canvas... that can be very exciting as well.... best of luck and happiness to you and your children.... Larry
The JR said…
I'm so glad you are still getting to enjoy your garden after all the labor you've put into it.

Simply the most amazing yard I've ever seen.

Happy weekend.
Lona said…
It must be a busy time packing up all of your wonderful garden treasures to make ready to move into the next wonderful phase in your life. Things will work out alright.
our still have a lot of beauties blooming in the garden.Your Dahlias are just so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend.
Sweet girl, how you ever keep your yard in such fantastic condition is something I will never understand! IT IS FANTASTIC..and something I learn from all the time. You are who taught me now to do the edging on the flowerbeds..I had my SIL do it exactly like that and it turned out lovely.
That little trike...sooo sweet.
All your beautiful colors...exquisite.
Thanks for giving us such a nice place to show our flowers and yard.
Rosie Gan said…
You're doing great, Tootsie.Savour whatever flowers you have now, they'll be there again.
I have changed my blogname. So if you have any links to me, please change them, otherwise nothing is working. Thank you so much! :) Tina
Kingdom said…
I really enjoy seeing your plants and flowers! sorry for the late post and Thank you very much for hosting! Happy Gardening!
gorgeous, gorgeous, always gorgeous!
you have the magic, girl.
thought i'd stop in and say hello.
Claribel said…
Becca's Dirt said…
Gosh can't believe you still have so much in bloom at this time of year. Gorgeous dahlias, calibrachoa, pansy's and the rudbekia. Also love that blue and yellow. Glenda do you have a home picked out. I know you are already getting ready - when will you be making a move.

I really hate that you are having to leave your home the kids have lived in for so long and the gardens that you have made. It's a shame to know that when new people move into your home that they won't appreciate the beauty that you created.
Erica said…
Savor whatever flowers you have now, they'll be there again.

insurance check
siteseer said…
good for you.... I keep looking outside and thinking I need to get to it lol. Maybe this weekend - maybe not. My daughter is overdue with her second child and I'm in charge of my granddaughter when she goes into labor. I've also been helping my son with his two daughters (ages 1 & 2) while his wife has been away for 3 weeks. She comes home Sunday night. What is the saying - the only thing sure about life is change. Things are definitely changing around here.
Bren Haas said…
Hello Glenda - I made it to your Fertilize Friday! Today I'm sharing a few of my favorite Autumn blooms in a very weepy garden!

Stop by if you have time!