If The Walls Of This Old House Could Tell A Story…The Bathroom In The 108 Year Old House

For WEEKS now…I have been sharing a project that I am so very proud of with you all.  If anyone had asked me if I was capable of doing something like this 2 years ago, I would have laughed at them and said NO!   It has been a labor of love…of gigantic proportions…and I have enjoyed every minute of it so far.
Those who are new to this series are probably wondering what is the project I am referring to?   It is the inside of this old house of course!!!

Up to this point I have shared before photos…small bedroom photos….kitchen photos…living room photos…master bedroom photos…stairwell/staircase photos…all of which have shown huge changes…but today you are about to see the start of the biggest change in the house…the most original Tootsie Change that I have ever had the chance to do.

The house is owned by my very own Cowboy…He had been wanting this house to be fixed up for years…but really didn’t have any encouragement, help or ideas as to what it should look like.   Then…I arrived on the scene and BOSSED that boy ALL around…(hee hee…just kidding…)  I arrived, and fell in love with the house.  When he mentioned that he wouldn’t mind making the old house where he and his siblings grew up live-able again…I was ALL over that!   My imagination went to work…and we have shocked and amazed all who have walked through the door since we started.

Today I am going to show you  the beginning of my favorite room in the house.  The Bathroom.   This room was such a fun project…The Cowboy was nervous I am sure when I told him of my plan, but he was also excited as it was something no one else in this area has, and he had never seen anything like it.

I ALMOST skipped this post and went straight for the finished room…but there is so much that went into the making of this space, that I didn’t want to miss one detail..and let me tell you …there are details…loads of them...and they are good ones!

Lets get started.
I didn’t manage to get a photo of the original bathroom…but you should probably be happy that I didn’t.   It wasn’t pretty.   I did however, happen to get a photo of the fixtures that were in there when we got busy working in this house.   There you have them…all robins egg blue and chipped, rusted and GROSS!
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This is what it looked like after we took out the tub, toilet, sink and other odds n ends that were in there.

This photo was taken before we put the living room panels back on the wall.  Cowboy had some electrical to do before we closed  it off again.  He also had to build a false wall where you see the black pipe going up the wall…so the bathroom just got a little smaller…
Once the false wall was built, and insulated…we did the wood planks on all of the walls of the new bathroom.  The floor boards were not in good shape to be painted or used in the décor, AND we had a little plan made for the shower…so he also added a false floor to the room…complete with a little raised area where the shower would be.
Lookin’ good so far!   I absolutely love the planks done in the rusty vinegar treatment.

While I was waiting for the Cowboy to finish putting the floor down, and put the electric in, and the TOILET…(yay) and the rest of the plumbing…I decided to address the PINK door that is part of the current décor!
It’s just NOT going to work in this color…that is pink… and I am pretty sure that PINK is not rustic, or manly, or even an option for this house in any way shape or form…especially NOT on the bathroom door!…

So…I got to work.

I took it outside on a warm, sunny, fall day in September…I layed it on it’s back and spread paint stripper all over one side at a time.
Years and YEARS of paint quickly began to curl up and show itself on the door.   I spent an entire afternoon stripping this door completely down to it’s plain wood beginnings.
The stripper worked like a charm.   Almost every speck of paint was gone!

All it needs now…is a little rust treatment to make it mesh with the rest of the house!

I will do that as soon as the Cowboy comes outside and cuts the bottom of the door down so that it fits into the new bathroom!

 I put one coat of rusty vinegar on the door…let it dry and applied another.
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It looks sensational!   We both love the way it looks!

Next up…the “tub”…the beginning of the most fun part of this room.
One day while we were out picking up supplies for the house renovations, I steered my Cowboy towards the livestock section of the store.   I showed him this feed trough.

You should have seen his face when I first suggested that this would be his new bathtub!!!   hahahaha!   I wish I had had a camera!   He almost looked confused at first…but, when I explained…he had a huge grin on his face…he likes the idea ….a LOT!

Now, my original plan was to have a big old wooden barrel to use as a tub…but we could not acquire one…so my next choice was readily available…and cost us less than $50!

All this baby needs, is a drain….and that will be easy enough to do.

I really wanted the “tub” to be on an angle in the left corner of this photo…but that would make other “features” of this area of the room either awkward, or impossible to do…so I agreed to keep it in the middle of the platform.  
I am LOVING the little ‘tub’!!!

Now I know what you all are thinking…


RELAX guys…it isn’t supposed to be a bathing tub…it is a shower tub.   No one is going to be having long luxurious bubble baths in there…it is a quick shower type bathroom.  This house isn’t going to be a full time living space…it is a weekend, and hunting retreat.   This feed trough is perfect for the scheme that my imagination has cooked up!

My next task, after the bathroom sink was installed was to tackle the floor. 
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Very sorry that the pic is so blurry…I used simple peel and stick tiles…the same kind of thing that I used in the kitchen…just a little lighter color.
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This is where it’s at so far!

Up to this point…I have touched every single element of this bathroom…every board on each wall…the tub, the toilet, the sink….but I have not touched one surface…and it needs me…
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…it needs me really bad.   The ceiling is NOT attractive in any way shape or form.

I needed to come up with an idea to make that just a little less hard to look at…and a little more comfy and warm feeling.
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I popped into the hardware store, and picked up one of these babies!   It will be just the right size…and won’t require me to do anything but use it!
I also picked up some of these curtain hangers…and three shower type tension rods.

Then I got busy…
I hung that drop cloth from each of two of the tension rods and installed them at each end of the room….right close up to the ceiling.    I then took the third tension rod and just popped it right there…nice and tight and high in the center of the ceiling.
That hides the ugly..warms and softens the space and looks not too bad!

So far…this bathroom is coming together nicely.

I am so pleased with everything working out without any major complications. 
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I love it!


...I am really tempted to keep sharing the transformation…but this post is already really getting long, AND…The Cowboy, and Grammie figure I should end it at this point.    SO…This is all I am sharing today…BUT…I may be back in a day or two with the rest of the bathroom….You will LOVE what I cooked up “under my hair” (the way we now all refer to my imagination)  :)  

I am so anxious to show you all!!!


Can you kind of see where I am going with this room???

What do you think so far???

Weigh in!

I love hearing what you think!

Until Next Time…Happy Junkin’/ Renovating/ Decorating!

*)*)*)…just remember, You're stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and braver than you believe."

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


Did you miss a post or two in the 108 year old house series?

Article #1  If The Walls Of This Old House Could Tell A Story…The Saddest Chapter Is About To End.

Article #2   If Walls Could Tell A Story…The 108 Year Old House…On The Inside

Article #3If The Walls Of This Old House Could Tell a Story…The Small Bedroom In The 108 Year Old House

Article #4 If the Walls Of This Old House Could Tell a Story…The Master Bedroom

Article #5  If the walls Of This Old House Could Tell a Story…The Kitchen In The 108 Year Old House

Article #6 If the Walls Of This Old House Could Tell a Story…The Staircase/Hallway of the 108 Year Old House
Article #8  If the Walls Of This Old House Could Tell A Story…The Living Room In the 108 Year Old House


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(it actually works great!   We tried it!)



Carol said…
wow another cliff hanger in this drama! looks great! Have a good week!
Joani said…
It is so adorable. I love the rusticness of it. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with that tub though I'm sure there is a shower head with a wrap around shower curtain. Love what you did with the drop cloth & the ceiling. Can't wait to see the rest of it. This has been such a great journey and your ideas have been endless. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Lori E said…
I am thinking outhouse....no, no, no. I am not insulting it but I think you have a fun imagination and outhouse would be fun. There are even books showcasing outhouses so it is not an insult at all.
I could hardly wait until you posted today - incredible bathroom indeed. I am so looking forward to your next post. You and Cowboy are AMAZING.
It looks great, but how are you going to prevent water damage to the floor with the peel and stick tiles and the walls?
9405018--Pat said…
LOVE it can wait for more....pat
9405018--Pat said…
Looks wonderful....can't wait for more...pat
BRAVO!!BRAVO!! awesome girl..every foot of it I love..This looks like an outhouse in the woods..Move in ready for this old gal..Love and hugs Gloria
Anonymous said…
I love the plank walls, and the feed trough was a great idea! You're right, that's just fine for a shower tub. Great cost savings, too. I'm thinking, deer theme? We'll see. We miss you at the We Call It Olde Link-Up, new one today, come on by. Happy Thanksgiving - Dawn @ We Call It Junkin.com
siteseer said…
what a great idea for a shower/tub. And I love that you've covered things in such an imaginative way - I know some day you will get in there and finish things up, but these ideas are priceless!!