Today I decided to join you all in the fun and show a post that has been the answer to so many of your questions left for me in my comments. I am sharing the garden room post. I made this room by hand using my cement mould. Here is that post! I hope it will help those who are interested in maybe making a cement pad for their gardens!
Last July....this area became the target for a project. This is how it looked then
I pulled out my cement mould...
Bought myself 15 bags of cement...(that's all my little truck would handle)
Got my little cement mixing barrel out....
put on some gloves (I learned my lesson about not wearing them when working with cement)
and went to 55 pound bag at a time.
Placing the mould....
15 bags got me only this far! (and I ached all over from rolling that mixer )
BUT....this summer....I still had this project on my brain....SO...
I got one of these babies!!! woo hoo....I was rockin'
sorry little guy...Tootsie is a year older....and a little wiser this'll have to watch
Lets fire this baby up! looks like a witch's brew....
Bob helped get us started ...looks like the cement is mixed! 3 bags at a time!
The parts with the green in between are last year's work...the dark stuff is 20 bags poured on Thursday last week! But...still I was not done! I needed 18 bags more!
Now...for those who are wondering why I did not dig them into the ground and remove the grass underneath....I didn't need to. The grass degrades underneath and they sink into the soil below and this helps...the grass also grows up and holds them in place between...they are really quite sturdy!
So cost-wise, was it worth it?
Details, girl! Details! I've wondered about these molds since seeing them at home improvement stores.
2 questions. About how much does a bag of cement cost?? I know it will be a bit different in the U.S. Just want a little idea. 2nd question. How did you do the edges and corners?
Love it!!
Oh and yes, I'd love some of your 'Mutant' seeds. ;-)
My friend, what a pleasure to have you join in with Sunday Favorites this week...welcome, Darlin'!!!
Ohhhh my goodness...I'm in love with your little garden room...well,'s not so little! Hehe! I was just doing the happy dance when I seen this post...I have seen those cement moulds before and have always wondered what they would look I know! Ohhh...and I just love the look of these pretty little stones!!! This really is fabulous, my friend! Okay...Girl, I can't believe that you hand mixed all that concrete your self! I've done a little concrete work in my time...of course that was years and years ago...but sheeeshhh...that's no easy feat!!! I certainly admire your sure paid off!!! I love the look of the grass growing between the stones...soooo beautiful!!! Of course, I had to click on your link to see how it looked all your pretty table and chairs! You really did create a fabulous garden room, my friend!!!
Thank you so much for sharing this post with all of us today on Sunday Favorites!!! Sure do hope that you'll join in again...
Warmest wishes,
You can certainly just run over here and help me to the same thing.
Have a Blessed Sunday....I guess I missed this post when you posted it originally.
Have Fun!
You should tuck some thyme in the cracks to get a lovely scent when you walk across it.
I checked out the post with the table set up. You really have a green thumb.
I didn't know such a thing as a "cement mold" like that even existed!!! It is AWESOME.
I would NEVER have thought of doing all that on my own.
Have a wonderful week! Kim
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
So glad I stopped by. You did a terrific job. I love the look.