I am posting -or rather re-posting (with some edits) a post to join in with Chari for Sunday Favorites! I have not added my crowns in here...those are getting ready to make their own special post...so take a peek at this post...and then skip over to Happy to Design and say hi to Chari...and see some of the other favorite posts!
My garden art is "IN" the garden and it is STAYING! I don't care WHO likes it or doesn't. I do...it all tells the story of me.
Who says what is in and out? My opinion of this sort of decision is one of personal preference. I think that a garden is a matter of personal opinion. Unless you are designing for a commercial space, it should reflect who you are, where you came from and what you like.
I have many pieces of garden art, that I have gathered together over the years. I have made most of it, and each and every piece is a memory that will stay with me for a lifetime. Every day that I water my garden, I am reminded of an event , day or special person. Here are some examples of my gardens and the "art" I choose so proudly to display.
This is an old water pump that my was pulled from the the old house on the homestead that I grew up on. Now don't go thinking that I am that old....lol okay..I am.
This past year I made it into a fountain, so that the sounds of trickling water could relax those that are in my yard, and it looks like it was made to be mine!
This Bench is my own creation! One day, as I was browsing around in the shops in the downtown of our city, I came across a shop that sells very high end benches. The one in the store was around $400.00! I almost passed out at the price! There is no way on earth that I would be caught dead paying an amount like that for something I could build myself.
Not having a cell phone with a camera at the time, and not wanting to look too obviously taking measurements, I used my body as a measurement. The top peak comes up to my boobs, the arm comes to just above the knee...you get the idea. I ran out to my car, wrote the "stats" on a napkin, and drew a quick diagram. I raced home, pulled the barn board that I had been saving for a special project out, and got to work! I made two of them...gave one to a lady that had become very special to me, and the rest is history.
The window, is one that I made out of old windows that I salvaged from a house slated for demolition. I have actually now made three of them. One for me, one for my neighbor, and one for a friend.
Look at my bird bath! I was looking in a magazine one day and saw one similar to this. I had to have it! It was very pricey, and they wouldn't ship to Canada, so I decided that I would make my own! I have made several now, and am always getting people who want one. The cup on the stick, is there as an accessory.

Like my Bike? I had always wanted a bike in my garden! Sadly the old ones are hard to find at this point in time. Apparently they are a hot item in this area! One day while my hubby and I were out on a garage sale tour, I spotted this old bike in a garage. I yelled to stop! I jumped out and ran to that bike! It was $1! SOLD! I got some really awful looks from people at the sale...there were lots of very shiny and newer bikes there...but I explained to the guy that I was using it in my garden. He was so happy to hear that as it was his first bike in his life and his wife wanted it to go to the dump.

We took the bike home, (did I mention it is not that old? And that it was a 5 speed?) We cut the bar off, I took all the decals off, and the chain and gears out. I scraped it all up to speed the rusting process and added a wire basket that is meant to hold household items. It looks great to me!
The milk can beside it....well that came from my children's great grandfather. It is a keepsake.
My white bicycle...my white bicycle...(ever heard that song by Nazareth?) This bike was a gift from my children for valentines day this past year....
The clock....tick tock...tick tock...was a gift .
The big iron bike was a birthday gift a few years back... It was my first store bought art piece. I love the look of it.
This little bird house was made from the branches of the tree stump that it is sitting on! The apple tree died and I had wanted to try my hand at making a bird house. I didn't pull the trunk of the tree...so I mounted it onto the original base! It opens on a hinge . I guess you could keep a spare key in there if you wanted to..but we do not! lol
There are two window boxes hanging on the fence. These were hand made by me! I used old windows, and some barn board to put them together. I painted them up.... and there they are!
The ladder and the milk can are from a garage sale. I had a white ladder a few years back that I had planted in one of my flower beds. For years I had an old rustic looking ladder....and I loved it so much. Once it had had enough of the garden and was gone to ladder heaven...I found this one. I use it as a replacement .
Does the iron on the fence count as art? If it does, then this is a piece I picked up at a local store here in our city.
The signs....well l made these too...and several others that I have given away. Yes...I do love my power tools! lol.

I know that too much "art" will ruin the look of my garden...and so I think I am cut off for now. But I love what I have and it will not be going away anytime soon...
Some day, I dream of having a garden that spans several acres, and sports all of my treasures and possibly some new ones. I want to have the type of garden my family can treasure. But for now...I will collect all that I can tastefully display here in my small city garden.

wow...does last year's garden look different than this year! lol All garden photos shown in this post were taken in May of 2008.


YOU are an amazing woman! I have seldom seen such a lovely and full of whimsy garden. It is not at all over done...it is charming. JUST CHARMING! I think since I have been blogging I have been more amazed looking at homes and gardens on here than in any magazine! WE are a magazine! :) Tootsie...again...amazing! You made the cover! :):)
Wow, oh WOW! Can I just say that your gardening skills are beyond amazing? I can't believe how big and beautiful {and colorful!} your plantings are?! And I love your garden art - and you are right...it doesn't matter if others don't like it. It's yours to enjoy! {But I can't imagine anyone not loving it!}

You would absolutely die if you saw all of my sad, sad landscaping beds. I won't give up trying to do something with them in the future, but I'm telling you, I think I have the brown thumb of death when it comes to caring for plants, hehe!
I love your garden art!!!! And I love your sense of humor in writing your post. I laughed out loud numerous times while reading. I love the fountain, the bench, the windows including the one with the flower box. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden.
I love your yard art! Rusty metal bugs & flowers put a smile on my face. I'll take something whimsical any day. You've given me some great ideas too! ♥ Diane
I think your yard art is fantastic! it makes you smile and what better gift to give someone who visits your home? And what a sad and boring world it would be if there was no whimsey, no silliness. Everything looks beautiful in your yard!

Have a wonderful Sunday!
Julie said…
Well, your art is so beautiful and I love all of the stories behind it all! It's kinda like a Christmas tree with ornaments bought or recieved all throughout your life, and made by your children, etc!!! You sure can build anything...are you a contractor??? I sure wish I could build benches like that...hey...you could sell your creations at the Green Markets all around the country! I guarantee you would be rich doing it too...people love these beautiful peices in their gardens! Have a great day and next week coming up!!!
P.S. I saw a cute birdhouse much like the one you have here, while I was in Germany and I thought it was so rustic and neat...just like yours!!!
trailrider731 said…
hay hay, Your GARDEN ROCKS!!!! I call mine Godwottery!! I'm going to have a sign made,,, albeit a bit messy at the moment, I've been concentrating on fence building the past month, poor negletcted gardens!!

the best is yet to come!!!
Darla said…
All of your garden art is very tastfully displayed Tootsie. I love everything and think you do need more!!
Garden art gets two thumbs up from me! I love yours especially the two bikes, the window and the bucket and all the rest.I'm like you and follow my own path using what I enjoy and like to decorate with.
Linda said…
I have lots of garden art too, and many are similar to yours (teacup feeders, birdbath, ladders, window frames etc). I don't care what others say is in or out, I have it to please me. I certainly get lots of positive comments from visitors to the garden or from folks that walk by.
I love all garden decorations. Whenever I look at an LTD catalogue I am a sucker for the garden stuff. Your garden art accessories accentuate your flowers, rather than overpower them.
Justine said…
Glenda, your yard art truly IS art, and I can't see a thing I'd change! I think what you've done just enhances the look of your gardens, and like you said, makes it YOU.

Justine :o )
onlymehere said…
This is what I love about your garden and yard, there's always something fun and new to look at! I remember most of it but there were other things that were new to me. I really love it. It reminds me so much of my mom's yard that she so lovingly took care of. I wish I had the same green thumb:)
Silvia said…
hi toosie, you my friend should be in a magazine, what a lovely garden, this is just beautiful and i know is even harder for us here in Canada to grow such beautiful thing, so much work and dedication...its just gorgeous...

hows the weather up there?fall does not want to come to southern Ontario..lol..have a great day..

GreedyGirl said…
Hi thanks for stopping by my site.

If all garden art Could look like yours it would definitely never be out. It's verY beautiful I lOve the old water pump and what you did with the bike garden
santamaker said…
They say that your home should be a reflection of "who" you are and one thing is for sure, your garden is certainly a reflection of the Tootsie I met on RMS and on this blog, it is full of fun, whimsy and gorgeous colorful flowers! Love it all, the bike and the teapot fountain are my favorites!
Hello Tootsie...

What? What??? Garden art is out??? Whoever said that and made that call? ~~WHATEVER~~

Hehe! Girl, design fads come and go. I think the most important thing to remember about design element is that it should be what pleases YOU!!! Anyway...having said all of that...my friend, you have the most fabulous gardens that I've ever seen!!! Each area is truly a work of art!!! I don't even know where to start on what I love about it and which area is my favorite...it's all magnificent!!! First of all, your flowers and plants are spectacular!!! I bet you could do "Garden Tours" through your yard...it would be such a treat for your visitors!!! Wow...you're such a talented lady...not only do you have the most beautiful flowers ever but you also are a talented carpenter! I just adore your birdhouse bench that you made...it's the cutest thing that I've ever seen!!! I just adore it...it's charming!!! Ohhh...and all the "pretties" that you made out of the old windows...love them all!!! Love your old pump fountain too...it's awesome! Well my friend, you really do have the prettiest yard/gardens of anyone that I know...I can tell that you are definitely in your "element" when you are in your garden!

This was such a treat, Darlin'! Thank you so much for sharing it with us for Sunday Favorites...I love this post!!! I can't wait to show it to my honey...give him some ideas! Hehe! Thank you, Tootsie!!!

Have a super Sunday, Sweetie!
Lona said…
Personally I love all of your garden art. Gardens are personal things and meant to be enjoyed by the person who plants it. Who cares what is in or out. It is what makes you feel good and peaceful.
Regina said…
Hi Tootsie.
Lovley captures and a beautiful post.
Have a nice day.
Lori E said…
You have the best garden art for sure. I love it all. I have some different stuff in my yard as well. I wonder if the person who does the lawn care curses at the shape of that bed with the bike in the middle.All those edges. Ha.
Unknown said…
I like all your garden art. It's very tastefully done. I love fountains, too. They are so soothing and relaxing to listen to. The pictures are great!

Anonymous said…
Tootsie..I LOVE your garden art, too!! It is your garden and iti is a reflection of what you love, which is all beautiful and enchanting!
Keep doing what you are doing..it is after all, yours!

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on Marji's new blog♥

Anonymous said…
Tootsie..I LOVE your garden art, too!! It is your garden and iti is a reflection of what you love, which is all beautiful and enchanting!
Keep doing what you are doing..it is after all, yours!

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on Marji's new blog♥

Anonymous said…
HI Tootsie!
I LOVE your garden art! I have always wondered 'who' actually determines what is in style or not? Why is 'their' opinion so important anyway?
Your garden is just enchanting and beautiful..love every bit of it!
You are one amazingly talented little chickie!!

Anonymous said…
HI Tootsie!
I LOVE your garden art! I have always wondered 'who' actually determines what is in style or not? Why is 'their' opinion so important anyway?
Your garden is just enchanting and beautiful..love every bit of it!
You are one amazingly talented little chickie!!

Green thumb said…
Hi Tootsie, you have a beautiful garden and I love the way you have used the garden art to enhance the beauty of your garden. I too think that it is a matter of personal priorities and preferences in the way one wants to decorate his/her garden rather than thinking of what's in or out. So enjoy the beauty of your enchanting garden to the fullest!!
Best Wishes
Green thumb said…
Hi Tootsie, you have a beautiful garden and I love the way you have used the garden art to enhance the beauty of your garden. I too think that it is a matter of personal priorities and preferences in the way one wants to decorate his/her garden rather than thinking of what's in or out. So enjoy the beauty of your enchanting garden to the fullest!!
Best Wishes
Oh pooey... whoever said garden art is "out" is crazy. That's one of the silliest things I have ever heard.

Email me at mynew30 @ gmail . com so I'll have your email addy and then I'll try to type up the instructions for those buttons and email ya back! It's not really hard at all though it does take a bit of work.

Have a beautiful Sunday!
Anonymous said…
Oh well who could say to you yard art is out? Now I have seen some that doesn't look so hot, but yours is so tastefully placed and has such a wonderful story. I love it.
I like garden art too. I know I have a few things (like gnomes :) ) That some people think are tacky or whatever but this is our garden and my kids like them. I think garden art definitely adds personality to the garden and lots of fun.
Beth Dunn said…
WOW! You have some amazing and unique items to dress up your garden. i love the bike and bird bath and all of it for that matter! xoxo
Salmagundi said…
I hadn't heard that garden art was 'out'. Yours will never go out of style, as it is such a personal expression. Enjoy it forever!!! Sally
Sandra said…
Tootsie! You are such a talented lady! I love it all! I'm hollering to my hubby to come look at the picturs you posted cause i'm always talking about your garden to him. LOL Omgosh, I love all your garden decor!
Shirley said…
Your garden is beautiful and original. Your art pieces are amazing and whimsical. I wouldn't change a thing either!! And yes, gardens really change a lot from year to year. That always amazes me.
Betty said…
I love your yard art. Fads, trends are someone's opinion of what is the in thing, my home, my yard is a collective opinion of what my family likes and pleases them and that has always been the case and always will be. If I ever decide to sell I'll care about making it look sellable til then I want it to be liveable.
Unknown said…
Your art pieces are lovely, all lovely.
The JR said…
There is always going to be someone who doesn't want what we want. If they don't want garden art they don't have to have any. If we want it, they don't have to look or say anything. My yard is mine to do with as I choose.

Love your garden art. You and your yard are amazing.

cindy said…
Your garden art is great! (I think what makes it that way is the fact that you hand made most of it.) Love the bench...(I do that too..measure with my bod and run to the car to draw!)...think they're on to us?...What the heck are you going to do with all your time this winter without your gardens?
Ingenious, I love the bike...I have been looking for an old one ever since I saw yours in the flower bed but now the secret is out I can copy you lol :)

I am taking a little blogging break but will be checking on you from time to time... didn't I just get started blogging? Oh weeeellll! I am discomblogulated so to speak.

Just keep on doing your thang Ms. Tootsie cuz I luv it.
Ohhh.. another Canadian blogger...great to find you. Love your garden post.
Happy day.
Moore Minutes said…
Keep your garden art there to stay...it's perfect! :) I just cannot get over how perfect and incredible your flowers are!! How do you do that?? So stunning. What a peaceful way to live. :) And I LOVE that bike!
Bonnie said…
I love, love, love, garden art. I have a ton of it in my gardens. When I was young I spent a lot of time with my grandma in her flower beds. My grandma was a wonderful gardener. She had gardens full of art. They were magical, filled with garden art. She would let me run through them and play. We would do a lot of pretending to be someone else or someplace else. When my grandpa and grandma retired, she turned her chicken coop into a garden shed, play house. We hung old photos up on the walls and put garden furniture in there. We drank tea with homemade refrigerator cookies in there. Looking at your blog today, brought me right back to her farm. Thank you!
Becca's Dirt said…
I love to tour your gardens anytime. I especially love the bicycles but all of it are just too precious. You give me inspiration. I am not good on the power tools though.
artis1111 said…
I love all the thingsa in your yard! It is the perfect show stopper to each place. I think every bed needs a certain item to make it supper dupper!I just hate to think of it all coming to an end a snow comes. Yeah! I said the S word! I am actually think of Christmas decoratons. YES I said the C word too. hehe Gotta think ahead. LOL Kathy
Darla said…
I just noticed the top of your blog has changed........very nice!
Anonymous said…
Good evening. I think your garden art is beautiful. I like you believe gaeswn art should be a expression of ones self. Your garden is just lovely. I hope you have a great week.
marilyn said…
Gardens are personal spaces and need to always reflect the personality of the person who owns it. Your garden is amazing and I think those of us that follow your blog will agree that you are, too.
P.S. I especially like those "weed" signs.
CiNdEe's GaRdEn said…
I love your garden art(-: I hate when people whoever they are say something is no longer in style. I always say ...who says?
I have a friend who will totally redo her house every 6 months because something is not in style anymore. She watches HGTV all the time. Its crazy. I say whatever you like is what is in style for you. I love my home the way it is. I don't care if its not in style anymore(-:
WOW!! What a beautiful garden. It looks like lots of time and love went into it---fabulous job!

Thank you for stopping by my site and for leaving a sweet message! *smile*


Brenda said…
I love your bench - I saw the same one in a magazine and my dad made it for me --- JUST LOVE IT - our grandsons use it to put the shoes on while jumping on the trampoline -..you've made me think I need to add some flowers to it..but where will the boys sit to take their shoes off and on? :-)