
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quick Reminder

Just a quick reminder to all of the Fans of Tootsie Time and Fertilizer Friday that you DO NOT have to use FERTILIZER to participate in the also DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE CURRENT PHOTOS! It is permitted during the off season to share photos of past gardens that you loved. I know it is hard to play along every week when we seem to be getting more snow and rains than we are blooms and sunshine....keep your chin up kids...the spring will arrive soon enough. There had been some confusion about this , so I thought I would take a moment to clear it all up.
I will be putting Fertilizer Friday up in just a few short hours...are you ready?
until then...
happy gardening!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011


What do you get when you take two blondes, with green thumbs, and put them together?
You get two avid gardeners with two greenhouses in two separate countries that GROW 4 SEASONS! (and that is no joke!)
Oh guys…I am so excited to share this with you…something I have been working on (off and on) when I get a few minutes (usually in the middle of a sleepless night). I have been keeping it under wraps for a while now, and have dropped a few hints here and there…and even made a little spot for it on the sidebar…Did you see it?
I am co-authoring a blog called Growing 4 Seasons with a very nice lady named Brenda! I am sure some of you know her… She is the owner of the BGgarden blog.
When she approached me to talk together about my greenhouse and how I handle 4 season growing in my extreme climate conditions…I was flattered! She wanted a greenhouse, and needed some of my ideas and tips on heating etc. to get her inspired to do one of her own…I was so happy to offer a little of my experience to her, and we chatted online and on the phone quite often. A friendship grew very quickly between us and we have given each other tips and have been supporting each others blogs now for a long time. She put up her own wonderful greenhouse and has been growing strong ever since!
One day Bren approached me with an idea about sharing our greenhouse and gardening experiences online in a collaborative way. We both live in extreme climates…she is in Ohio…and I am in Alberta Canada. There are not a lot of greenhouse gardeners that go year round in conditions like ours, (at least not ones who share online) and we thought we could have a little fun sharing our 4 season gardening adventures with you!
And that is how GROWING 4 SEASONS was born!
Together we will garden year round, and share our triumphs and challenges with the blogging world, learning as we grow. I do hope you all will pop over from time to time to see us on video, in print and in photos! Yes…I said video…(Bren is making me be brave!- she’s mean that way sometimes) hahaha
NO!!! No!!! No!!! Tootsie Time will not be going anywhere! I plan to write on here for a long time to come! I will continue to do Fertilizer Friday…and my usual greenhouse posts…and garden posts…and lets not forget the decorating posts…NO! Tootsie Time isn’t going anywhere! Hey…I need somewhere to let off a little creative steam! I love my followers…and Tootsie Time feels like home for me. Where else can I be as silly as I want and not have any worries??? I love Tootsie Time! It is ME!
So there you have it! My big reveal! I do hope you will pop over to Growing 4 Seasons every now and then to say hi …and will keep coming here too!
I only made one resolution this year, and that was to pay more attention to those who are loyal to me. (and that includes my followers, and faithful commenters) I don’t have a lot of time as of late, but I do plan to get around to you more often. I have already been running around blog land this last few evenings…just to say hello and see what you are up to! I follow a long list of fabulous blogs…(check my sidebar) so it will take a little time to get to everyone and say hello! (speaking of which…I can’t visit you if I am blabbing on and on right here now can I?)
Until next time…Please take a little time out to add Gardening 4 Seasons to your blog roll, and maybe pop over for a little visit! Feel free to take one or both of the blog buttons/logos for your sidebar if you like too! (I’d be glad to return the favor if you do and put your button on my sidebar too) You can also follow us on Twitter and on Facebook…just like you can with Tootsie Time!
Happy Blogging!!!
I have another little secret…but I can’t let that out just yet…it still needs a few finishing touches before I share it…and those are touches that could take a little time to finish! So…stay tuned!
Hugs and smiles…
*) *) *) to my special know who you are! 8)
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