
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Showing posts with label How to posts.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to posts.. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

When Their Roots Are Growling….FEED THEM!!! Plant’s Get Hungry Too!!!

A quick tip for fertilizing/ feeding your plants... do it first thing in the morning. Plants are waking up and getting their juices flowing...they will benefit the most from a morning feed.  After all...don't they say "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day?"
Loads of questions have been coming my way about Fertilizing and feeding ... I thought I would take that as a hint to post and share with you some of the things I know about the topic...
It is possible to simply stick your plants into the soil and walk away. Watering alone will help keep them alive, but if you want to see them THRIVE…give them a kick in the roots and add a little fertilizer or organic plant food to your regimen. Fertilizer/ plant food gives your plants the added nutrients that your soil may be missing . These nutrients help keep them strong and healthy, and loaded with blooms.
Chemical Fertilizer is made up of three primary ingredients:   Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium . These will be listed on the label of the fertilizer in number.
Nitrogen (N) will always be the first number.
Phosphorus (P) is the middle number, and
Potassium (K) will follow up last.
If your label reads 26-13-0 that means that you have 26% Nitrogen, 13% Phosphorus and 0% Potassium.
Each element in the fertilizer recipe accomplishes a different task.
Nitrogen helps the leaves and stems grow and stay green.
Phosphorus aids in healthy root growth, flowering, and fruit/seed production.
Finally Potassium helps the plants stay healthy and resist disease. It also helps to keep the actions of the first two ingredients in balance.
When purchasing a fertilizer/ plant food you will need to consider a couple of things:
How often you want to apply the product, and what you are looking to accomplish with the product are the best questions to ask yourself.
The specific rules of fertilizing/ feeding are different for each brand, or plant, but in general you should follow a couple of simple guidelines. NEVER fertilize/ feed a seriously dry (to the point of wilted or collapsed) plant. Pre- water the plant to allow the roots to be ready to absorb the food and then apply the fertilizer treatment.
When watering newly seeded plants, it is best not to water with fertilizer or plant food at the first sign of germination. It is best to wait until the plant has it’s second set of true leaves. The sprout that first pushes out of the soil is very tender and may be burned by the fertilizer of any kind. At this point, the soil should have enough nutrients to sustain life for a few days or weeks until more foliage develops.
More is NOT better when fertilizing/ feeding your plants. It is possible to burn the leaves and roots of a plant by over-fertilizing/ feeding.


If I had to choose, I would choose to err on the side of caution and add a little bit less than to risk adding too much. It is best to feed during daylight hours.   Watering at night leaves us open to a host of issues with moisture and and rot, and problems. (a whole other post in itself)


In the past, I have tried the fertilizer sticks that you add to the side of the soil in potted plants. I have not found them to benefit my houseplants in any way. In fact, a few months after inserting them into the soil, they were in exactly the same condition as the very first day! My plants seemed to take no benefit from this form of feeding.   I have tried many different types of organic and chemical fertilizers in the past.   I think it depends on personal preference and availability as to what will work best.   

I have not touched on the different types of fertilizers/foods today,  but will say that there are MANY different brands and techniques.  I did not want to focus on specifics as I do not endorse any particular brand or type of feeding.   I also did not want to cause a huge fight…there are a lot of people who have very strong feelings about fertilizing/ feeding of any kind.   For some this is a very HOT topic.   I choose to keep my preferences to myself…and not dredge up any drama!  I really love ALL my followers, and do not want to offend anyone!
I will say that I am quite intrigued with the latest trend in organic/natural feeding products that are out there, and have been trying a few of them on my houseplants.


In the case of my gardens…I would love if any of you have any ideas how I can use some of the organic type of plant foods to feed them…I have a LOT of watering to do…and I don’t want to spend the entire day watering with a watering can…I need to use the garden hose to do this…and would love some advice on using one of the sprayers to feed organically!

Water with warm water! Watering with cold water will shock the roots of your plants and stop them growing until they recover. Just think of it as bathing yourself in a pool of ice water…how long does it take you to warm back up?

Well…that’s all I that I know about Fertilizing and/or Feeding the plants!  

Until Next Time…Happy Gardening!
*)*)*)   Silence and a smile are two powerful tools. A Smile is the way to solve many problems but Silence is the way to avoid many problems.
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

All of my house and garden plants are planted in Sunshine potting mediums.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tea Party For The Birds! (and a how-to)

Over the winter my tea pot bird bath sustained some damage. While assessing said damages, I remembered all the photos I took while making this adorable bird bath. 


There have been many many requests for me to do a show and tell-how to make my tea pot bird baths.  I thought maybe it would be a little easier just to re-share the post, rather than sending a link to everyone.  It also will give my new followers the opportunity to see too!

The photo above is my tea pot bird bath made with a ceramic/terra cotta pot tray...I am not so happy with the terra cotta, as it is porous, and does not hold the s all seeping into the ceramic vase I have it sitting on...(and I sealed it to the vase..gross)

Below is the very first one that I ever is on a plastic tray. I had it until last spring when I knocked it over and broke it! Luckily I had another one in the garage ready to go! I have made 8 of these in this style...(roses) They have all gone to friends that were very excited to have one.


I didn't make these out of my head from scratch! I found the idea in a magazine years was in an advertisement and was VERY pricey. I fell in love with the idea of them almost immediately.

I kept it in the back of my mind for several years....then one day I decided to make one from what I remembered it to look like….It doesn’t look anything like the one I remembered…but…it is mine…and … another "Tootsie Original!”

So...? Is everyone ready to make one? GOOD!

Here's what you will need...


One ceramic tea pot

Two tea cups to match or co-ordinate

One plastic plant pot saucer (to scale with your pot and cup)

One 4-5 inch piece of doweling (for the project I am about to demonstrate...a concrete anchor)

4 washers (if you use the threaded anchor)

 4 nuts (for anchor)

some wire (for added support)

One smaller bolt /two washers and a nut to fit. (to hold tea cup)

marine goop or silicone sealant (must be waterproof)

a masonry drill bit to match the size of your doweling or rod


masking tape

colored plastic bits, or rocks


clear liquid resin and the active ingredient (to make the faux tea)

First you need to gather all materials

got them?


Lets get started!

1. drill hole in the bottom of the tea pot just below the spout. This hole needs to be large enough to fit the dowel.

TIP: putting a piece of masking tape on the ceramic will prevent the drill from slipping and chipping.



2. Drill the same size hole in the rim of the large plastic saucer


3. Attach the doweling ( or in this case threaded rod) to the tea pot (drilled hole) and add the washer and nut to the inside...and the outside.

Tighten and set aside.


4. Drill a hole in the tea cup and saucer to fit the size of screw you will use to hold the tea cup and saucer onto the larger saucer.

Drill same size hole in the bottom of the plastic saucer.

Secure with washers and nuts to fit. Go in through the bottom, that way the nut won't make your base sit all wobbly.


5. Using your wire and the remaining the tea pot onto the plastic saucer.

Secure with nuts. One on the top of the plastic saucer and one under the rim ...and use the wire for added support to help hold the pot in place and not fall forward. We will hide it later.


6. Using the marine goop...seal all nuts, screws and wire....also seal the opening to the tea pot spout to insure that it doesn't become a home to some bugs, or fill with stagnant water...




7. Using the marine goop sealant....attach the lid to the tea pot (so it does not fall off ) and fill the spout of the pot with sealant as well.

(this prevents it from becoming a home for pests such as wasps etc. as well as making sure it doesn't fall off and break!)


8. This step is optional: Following the directions on the resin solution you have purchased....fill cup 1/2 way with colored rocks or gravel....and fill with the epoxy resin (the stuff they sell in craft stores to make paperweights out of ) put spoon in before it hardens, allow to set...and you have a cup filled with tea. (may want to add coloring if you don't have the right color of rocks (also at craft stores))

Filling the tea cup will help weigh the whole thing down, and hold the bolt that holds the cup and saucer in place on the tray.


Once you have filled your cup with "tea" set aside and allow to set.


Have you noticed that it is a cabbage? lol....seriously cute for the garden isn't it?

9. After all is set and secured to your satisfaction place on base that you have chosen....large old vase, pedestal, table, tree stump...etc...and viola! your done!

You don't have to fill the cup with the could use it as a feeder, by adding a little bird seed... or you could fill it with water.

Waiting to see what I suggest for that second tea cup and saucer on the list?

You can drill hole same size as a screw that is about 1 1/2 inches the cup and the cup and saucer to long piece of doweling or post with screw...fill with seed and you have a feeder to place in the flower bed where ever you want....or fill with water...and have a butterfly bath!


So? How did we do?

Wanna see our finished product? convinced it is!



It's missing something!

... hold on....I know what I forgot!....


I couldn't let it go without the raffia ribbon I bought to hide my work!


Okay! That wasn't so hard now was it? And it sure did not cost us a lot of money...the entire project cost me about $40....and that included the resin that we did not use all of!

We can make more if we want to! The one I saw in the magazine was at least 3 times that much!
So...not only did we save money...but making it ourselves makes it mean more!


This one was shipped as part of a giveaway I did back in 2008. It went all the way to Texas!

So? Are you going to make one?

 What theme is your tea pot?

 There are so many wonderful shapes out there…the possibilities are endless!

That’s all for me today…should anyone have a question about the instructions...please feel free to ask...I will get an answer out to you as soon as I can!

Until Next Time…Happy Garden Decorating!

*)*)*)    Imperfection is beauty~ Marilyn Monroe

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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

I am linking into...
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Under $100 Linky party  Wednesday
Frugal Friday 
Be Inspired Linky (tuesday)
Show Me What Ya Got
One Project at a Time
Open House Party Thursdays

Monday, March 11, 2013

I Hit That Nail Right On The Head....Of The Table?

Well hello there!  So Glad you you could stop by for a few minutes to see what I am up to!

I decided that it has been a while since I gave myself a paint hangover, and thought I would maybe work on a project or two while the kids are away for the weekend.   Not to mention that I found a new color of stain that I have never used and am just dying to try it out!  It is called Brazilian Rosewood...and I think it could be fun!

Since I haven’t been out junkin’ in ages, my selection here is down to the slimmest of pickin’s.   My choice for today’s project is going to be the coffee table for the family room downstairs.  I have been slowly but surely getting that room all set up and cozy…it is taking a while, but it is starting to come together.  The new coffee table really needed some help…


Told ya it needed help.   This is definitely NOT a Tootsie style piece of furniture!
Please try not to notice the ick behind the is a mish mash of cords and stuff that I need to properly place in this room...
...hey...I'm workin' on it...I am only one girl...and my imagination sometimes sleeps a bit! :)


It is boring and plain, and kinda beat up. It came to us with that Cowboy I talk about all the time.


I am sure that with a little imagination and some elbow grease, this table will be Tootsiefied in no time!
Lets get to work!


I layed out my painting tarp…since I don’t have a garage yet, I still am forced to do all the dirty work in the house…so I need to protect the floor.  
I sanded it lightly to help remove any of the “shiny” that would deter the new finish from sticking.
Next….I primed it out.


I didn’t prime the entire piece…Only the part I wanted to use a lighter color of paint on.  I plan to leave the base and legs black…I will simply use a high gloss oil based paint on them so I need not worry about the paint sticking.


Once the primer was nice and dry, I grabbed a couple of cans of stain and got to work!  
My first color was Brazilian Rosewood.  It is pretty but left me with a little hint of purple/mauve almost…so I did what any good Tootsie would do…I grabbed the Dark Walnut and went right over it!  


It turns out that the two colors together make for a very nice effect!  See???   Those are the happy accidents that a one of a kind piece of furniture is made of!  :) 

Next…I needed to add a little “map” that will guide me in my finishing of this table.  I used a ruler and I drew myself a little border all the way around the table.


There’s a close up of my edge guide line.   I just know you are wondering WHAT on earth I am going to do with an ugly line….  Aren’t ya?  


I am going to use upholstery nails!   I need the guide line to help make sure I get them as straight as I possibly can!


I nailed and nailed and nailed…and let me just add, it is NOT easy to put upholstery nails in a straight line…when the stain isn’t dry yet!   Yes…I got impatient and excited…and I struggled more than just a little to get them in place…but it got done and now…


…now... I think...
I think it needs something more!   That one skinny little line is simply not enough.  It needs more bulk…and perhaps a little motion…don’t you think?


Ya…I agree…it needs MORE NAILS!


This is “okay”… but Tootsie doesn’t settle for “okay”…HEY…I am no minimalist in any way shape or form…it is all the way…more is more…go big or go home…
So, I set to work laying out nails in different patterns, standing back and looking …


…at them and finally I settled on a plan for the table. 


AHHH….now that’s much better!


What do you think?   I like it.  I think the adding of the shapes gives it some motion…some “curves”…some FUN!


I considered adding some of the upholstery nails to the center of the table as well…but then decided against it…just in case we play a game on here or something like that…the kids like to build puzzles and things down here…


… I DO plan to put some ornament of some kind on it once the paint is 100 % cured! When have you EVER seen this Tootsie leave a table empty!?! Ya…
…you know exactly what I am talking about. :)


I am loving the new look for this old table.   It doesn’t look like a mass production plain Jane table anymore.


It no longer looks like a boring, typical, inexpensive space filler…left over from the living room of a bachelor…(sorry Cowboy…but your table…was a little too boring for this gal)


…now it has some personality…style and one of a kind pizazz!


What do you think?


I think I like it…for now…ha ha…and I also think that the Cowboy better not try to take it back if he knows what’s good for him!   This table is now property of…TOOTISE.  (at least till I get sick of it)  :)


Well kids…that’s all for me for today.  I did what I set out to do…I took and evening, did up a project, I gave myself a HUGE paint hangover, and I shared it all with you!  
What did you do last night?

Until Next Time, Happy Decorating / Designing / Junkin’/ painting!

*)*)*)  I am strong .. because I've been weak ... I am fearless .. because I've been afraid ... I am wise .. because I've been foolish ...

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I am linking in with Share your Cup Thursday today!