
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Old Settee

So…this gorgeous piece of furniture…has been “gifted” to me. I am super excited to give her a make over. Now, don’t get me wrong…the original fabric is ‘lovely’… 058

However, it is simply not me. It is too busy. Is this a problem? NO!!! Not for me! I’ll just change her up!

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first I stripped her “naked”…

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Then I painted the wood in a black semi-gloss paint. 014

Once the paint dried, (which seemed to take FOREVER) I rubbed over it with a cabernet (red) stain. This gives the carving a bit of definition and softened the black down a touch. (and yes…this took forever to dry…no fun for miss impatient here)012

When it FINALLY dried…I glued a thick layer of batting to the existing foam. (glued my arm to the foam, and my scissors closed too-yep-that’s just the way I roll around here.028

Now the fun began…staples were flying, scissors cutting…and I must say…DULL scissors too…my sharp ones disappeared! But I persevered…and think I won!


After I finally got the fabric in place, I opted not to put the tufting back on the back of the settee…Instead I decided to put this fringe on. I have seen pieces done with the bushy fringe and loved the look, so I thought I’d try it. I LOVE IT! I think it kind of makes it a touch less formal.


I did have this lovely lady sitting in the sunroom, but now…she sits proudly in the living room of my house. I moved out the red painted one and just traded spots with them! I would not want the sun to fade my pretty new olive green fabric!


The photos do not seem to show the true color of the fabric. It is almost a perfect match to the green in the rug in front.


Now Gloria over at Happy to Be gave me a bit of a lesson on this piece. It is very low to the ground…and it is very old. She figured it was early 1900’s at least. The low to the ground feature was made to accommodate the ladies in their hoop skirts. (it made sitting a LOT easier) Thank you Gloria! {8-)


I think it fits in perfectly with the antique stereo, trunk and sewing machine in here.

…she reminds me so much of Gloria over at Happy To Be….if you have not been over there for a visit yet…you really are missing out…she knows a LOT about antiques…and her home is to die for! I just adore Gloria, she’s my ‘mom’ ya know!

Well, that’s what I did last Friday afternoon and evening.

Think this should keep me covered till Fertilizer Friday??? hahaha!

Hope so…’cause I’ll be in the greenhouse!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers March12/10

Fertilizer Friday is the day when gardeners from all over the world join in and share the blooms of their labors! After an incredibly busy and stressful week, it is nice to know I can relax and take a peek at some of the loveliest blogs-and the gardens they showcase....
If you are new to this party...WELCOME!!! If you are a regular...WELCOME BACK! Anyone can post plants of any are all welcome...the more the merrier!
Now...if you are not familiar with the winter rules will be...since I have ZERO to gardens are bare...I (and other gardeners in similar climates) are sharing our favorite photos from months, gardens, years gone by, or the current indoor gardens and houseplants that they have. Those who have real live beauty to share are doing just that!
I would like to add, that if you are not a may still join in. The name Fertilizer Friday actually was coined to remind those of us who like to feed our greens, but forget! Fertilizing is not a must...but the flaunting...IS!
Please Publish the Fertilizer Friday Logo at the top of this post, and link into the mister linky list below. If you do not do this, you may not get as many "tourists" visiting your Friday post.

This week I have only spent 2 hours in the greenhouse...but they were a rewarding and productive 2 hours...

I am happy to share this ...can you see what I see?
Yep!!! Its teensy little plants all over EVERY tray in the greenhouse!!!! These are Daisy.
PetuniaWave Petunia.
Coleus and Impatiens need to be thinned into individual cels..(tiny seeds end up unevenly planted at first)
The Loofah are planning a take over of the entire greenhouse! This is 10 of the 22 that I have.
OOPS!!! Make that 23 loofah plants! There seems to be a "visitor" in the banana that sprouted the other day!!!
My big lady Mandevilla is doing swimminly in the greenhouse this winter!!! I need to re-arrange some things so she can stop tying herself to everything...and just grow!
I have been VERY busy this week...some could say as busy as a sac of buttholes at a bean eating contest...(haha...made ya laugh didn't I?)
I have been busy, and I do intend to visit each and every one of you...and share some of what's up here....provided that I get my planting done this weekend. I am headed out to the greenhouse right be patient with me...One Tootsie can only spread herself around so much!

So? Whatcha Waitin For???? FLAUNT!