
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers April 2/10


Fertilizer Friday is the day when gardeners from all over the world join in and share the blooms of their labors!

If you are new to this party...WELCOME!!! If you are a regular...WELCOME BACK! Anyone can post plants of any are all welcome...the more the merrier!
Now...if you are not familiar with the winter rules will be...since I have ZERO to gardens are bare...I (and other gardeners in similar climates) are sharing our favorite photos from months, gardens, years gone by, or the current indoor gardens and houseplants that they have. Those who have real live beauty to share are doing just that!
I would like to add, that if you are not a may still join in. The name Fertilizer Friday actually was coined to remind those of us who like to feed our greens, but forget! Fertilizing is not a must...but the flaunting...IS!
Please Publish the Fertilizer Friday Logo at the top of this post, and link into the mister linky list below. If you do not do this, you may not get as many "tourists" visiting your Friday post.

Today I have much to share. I have been working my little fingers to the bone, and have seen some SPRING in my garden.027

The Hydrangea is a bloomin! 024

The Wandering Jew is blooming!!! Yippie!!! I have never coaxed one of these into bloom before…I am super excited!!!016

There were three spots that I found that had some blooms on them…it took forever to get a shot, as they only stay open a very short while…008

They close up within hours of first bud!


The greenhouse is GROWING!030

Things are popping up all over the yard. I have few perennials, but those I do have are waking up.031

Lilac is getting ready to burst!034


I think this one actually may make a second appearance this year! I thought it was dead.040

I was so excited to see a little green grass…041

Until I turned around…and saw this! EWE!!! Well…we best be fixin that!042

So out comes the lawn mower…the thatch blade gets installed…and we are off to the races!!!


A few sweeps later and the dead grass was flying…just laying there waiting to get picked up…063

What a HUGE difference! And that was just the first sweep! Nothing was even picked up yet…like the difference between good and evil!046

I go first up and down…then lower the blade again and go side to side…then I remove the thatch blade…and pick it up! I think the garbage man is going to resume his nasty looks at me when he comes next week. haha…he doesn’t like my yard waste much…too many bins! to be him! Oh my what a lot of work…I am exhausted…especially since before I started this grass project… 064

I ran my a$$ off out in the alley teaching my “Busy” to ride her bike with no training wheels!!!! I think my baby is growing up…and blooming!

Thank you to 'Georgie' for taking such great shots of the garden and ignoring directions not to shoot shots of me! seems that I can never be clean when I am featured in my own blog! Honest...I do shower! haha

So? what’s happening in your garden? Snap some shots, ADD THE ‘FF’ LOGO TO YOUR POST, link into the linky below and flaunt with me! Can’t wait to see!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grabbing Inspiration, and making it My Own.

I’mmm Ba-ak!!! hee hee…and I have more to share! Proof of why I have not been around bugging you all….Remember the settee that I posted last week?

Well she came with friends!


Yep…these two teensy ladies were in the deal. Two very petite chairs. I think Gloria said they were game chairs, and they should have had a small table between them for a chess board or something. Well, sad for me that there is no table…(I’ll fix that one day too…) but lucky for me that there is not one…but TWO chairs for me to play with. I know, I know…enough chit chat…lets get to the nitty gritty…What on earth does a Tootsie do with two such chairs?028

Well, first she digs out the inspiration photo of the most fantastic chair she has ever seen…and has wanted to try since seeing it…These chairs will be perfect for practice.


Next, she whips out the black paint…gives them both two coats…and rubs a little off here and there for charm.


Loving the details when painted black...


It sort of hides the damage that someone did a shabby repair job on…but not to worry….I have a plan!

I whipped out a chocolate brown twin bed flat sheet….my staple gun and got busy…(no not the lovely assistant ‘Busy’-she was in bed-ha-ha) the working kind of busy!

Cutting, stapling and pleating the bed sheet into a pretty new dress for the chairs.


A couple of hours later…this is what I had!

Now when you do this treatment, you will end up with a LOT of staples…so how on earth did I hide them all? You guessed it!!! I used twisted nylon rope from the hardware store again…only this time I did not paint it…I tea stained it!


Yes I did!!! I tea stained and glued on my trusty nylon rope…did a nice big border all the way around.


Now keep in mind, that I have zero photography skills and some of the following photos are proof of that…


A view from the back…(in the wrong setting)


A view from the front (looks a little more like it should –the rope is not really that bright…but this is the best I could get from my camera tonight. Where did I put them?


For the time being, they are sitting in the living room/dining room area. I faced one into the dining area, and one into the living room…with a pedestal between them.


I put this bust on the pedestal. She goes well with the smaller bust on the trunk/coffee table in the living room.


Another view of the living room.


And another look at the chairs…


And yet another…can you tell I like them? ha-ha

So? what do you think? I love the pleated look….and I didn’t want to steal the entire inspiration…so I put a little Tootsie Twist on it! You like?

Guys, I have been completely overwhelmed as of late. I do a lot of projects late late at night when sleep won’t come. I am trying to get around to visit you all and see what you are sharing. I will eventually…but wanted to thank you for standing by me during a difficult time in my life, and for being so kind in your comments. You can’t ever know how grateful I am for the fellowship. When the up close and in person friends are all gone to their own homes, you guys are always here hanging out with me!

On that sappy sorry slobbery note…I will say thanks for stopping in…stay tuned for the next installment of Tootsie’s late night decorating! (or Fertilizer Friday---which ever comes first! Ha!)
