
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Showing posts with label Life At Our House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life At Our House. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

What’s the MOST Outrageous Thing You’ve Ever Painted?

As many of you have probably noticed…I LOVE PAINT.   Not Chalk paint…but latex paint.   Chalk paint just doesn’t do ‘it’ for me…and I think it’s a colossal waste of time and money…so unless I find a brand that does what I want it to do…there won’t be any chalk paint posts from me.   I don’t do fads, and I think Chalk paint is just that.   This post…like most  of the others I’ve done…is a latex paint project.

Over the years you guys have seen me paint a LOT of different things…and for the most part I was sure of how the project would turn out before I even did it.   This time, however, I decided that I had nothing to lose…and I was VERY skeptical about how it would turn out…but SOMETHING had to change…so either way this project was going to get done.

Do you remember a few years back when I got my antique sofa set?   Of course you do!
In case you don’t …this is the sofa.

Do you remember how much I hated the color of that set, so I decided to try to dye the velvet?   Of course you do!

In case you don’t…this is her after I dyed her fabric…


We LOVED her new color…and I never did get around to updating the wood on it…BUT…after three full years of us using her…moving her...vacuuming her…and even steam cleaning her…the dye faded.

To read the whole post about the dye and the way I went about that here.   

It looked sad.   Just sad and OLD.

sofa before

This is our everyday living room furniture...we USE it.   I imagine that had it just been in a sitting room, with occasional use…it would have lasted a lot longer…but…it didn’t and so I am in the ‘mood’ to fix it up a bit again.

It was getting an update no matter if I had to take the time out to reupholster it…or not…so in MY mind…I had nothing to lose.   We all hated the way it looked at this time…and the Cowboy even suggested we toss it in the dumpster and find a different set to add to our home.  One way or another…there was going to be a much nicer view in our living room.

SOOO…the most outrageous thing I have ever painted became…my antique French Provincial sofa set.

I just could NOT look at this sad, faded view any longer.   It was at the point where we were embarrassed to even have people see it!   When the decision was made…I was determined to make my idea work no matter what…and if it didn’t…I’d either let them hit the dumpster OR reupholster them.

sofa before (2)

With nothing to lose…I hit the paint shop, chose my color…and got the girl to mix me up a can of flat latex paint.   I wanted a darker shade…so as to hide that nasty pink…and I wanted something neutral.   I chose a color called Cambridge by General Paint.   It is a dark brown with grey undertones.

I had been researching painting velvet fabric for a few days, and I saw NO posts that were successful in painting velvet…and …and saw that I needed fabric medium…or glycerine…and there was NO way I was going to go to that expense for an experiment…PLUS…living in this tiny little town, there was no way I was going to get my hot little hands on either of those…so I decided to do what I do best…and use my experience with paint…and wing it!

I made my own recipe using specific parts vinegar, water and paint, and went to work on a project that all of my research said could not successfully be done.


When I first started…I was using my mixture AND a spray bottle of water, like I had seen in the posts I read of others trying this.    I figured that if I sprayed the fabric first, it would allow the fibers to soak up the paint better…but that was not the case…all that did was create more work for me.   (which is also where I think the others that tried and failed went wrong)

Sofa during

By adding the extra water from the spray bottle…I was diluting my mixture even more than I wanted to and ended up needing to do a second coat!   So…that spray bottle got ditched..and I just went with my little wax brush and painted in a circular motion (pushing down firmly) to make sure that the paint would get between all of the fibers in the velvet. 

This is the type of  brush I found the best to get right into the grain of the fabric…I borrowed this photo from the internet as I forgot to take a photo of mine.


It took a fair amount of time to get the entire sofa set and cushions done…but I finished it!   I then used a regular soft bristle brush to paint the wood parts of my sofa in a full strength paint in the same color!   I could have used my fabric recipe to do the wood as well…but it was faster for me to just use it full strength.

sofa in progress

I set up a fan to get it to dry faster because I was SOOO excited to see how it was going to turn out.   It felt like FOREVER before it was dry…when in reality it was only a couple of hours…but an excited Tootsie is an impatient one!

Let me tell you…it was WORTH THE WAIT!!!



The first couple of days, it was as you’d expect it to be…just a little stiff…but not crunchy or solid…but the more we used it, the fabric softened right up!

sofa back close up

The next weekend…I found time to finish the set…and I am absolutley amazed at the difference it made to the entire room.

We all love the new look AND feel of the fabric…and I am proud to say that velvet CAN BE PAINTED and that it won’t be crunchy and hard but instead soft!

loveseat after

My antique sofa set looks like brand new!…well almost.   I am waiting on my new foam to put into the cushions, because as you can see the old stuff is kinda tired.   That will make another huge difference.

As you can imagine…the fresh look of the furniture has prompted a bit of a makeover of the entire room…and once it’s done, I will share again…but I just could not wait to say that I did it!…and I am glad!

So…that’s it for me for today…What’s the most OUTRAGEOUS thing you’ve ever painted???

Will you try to paint YOUR living room furniture?   If you want my recipe just say the word…I’d be happy to share.

Until next time…Happy painting!!!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot…
chalk board sticker

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Another Kitchen Re-Do...

Hey guys!!!   How the heck have you been?  

Me?   I’ve been busy…and that is good…for the most part.  

I wish there were more hours in the day…or that my tired body could keep up with the demands that I need to put on it.   As some of you know, I am not in the best health these days so my energy levels aren't all that high, but I do what I can.   I'm grateful for my kids and my Cowboy for all the help they give me when I just 'can't'.   My kids are busy as a bunch can get with extra curricular and social engagements...and every day is just full.   Ive missed my Tootsie Posts a lot...and am excited to be here today!

My little clothing company has been very busy now since August and I haven’t had a lot of extra time…or energy for that matter to do a lot of Tootsie type things.   I have  several orders sitting on my desk that need to be filled…but sometimes a girl just has to take a little break from work and play a bit.  

This weekend I took the time…and decided to wear my Tootsie hat for just a little while…and did a project that has a dramatic change from the before to the after.  

Those who know me well, know I have a certain style of decorating that I like to see in my home.   There are some spaces in this place that DO NOT reflect this style…The following space started out as one for the NOT my style file. 

Lets get started.

I inherited THIS nightmare: 

001 a

I adore the rounded doorways…and I love the character of this house…but I hate this color…absolutely hate it.   If there was ever an affliction that included an irrational fear of a certain color on the walls, this would be it! 

I am not a girl that likes coral on the wall.   This isn’t even a nice shade of coral…it’s kind of pukey…it’s not red…it’s not orange…it’s not pink…it’s just  UGLY and it it just makes me crabby.
002 a

Now…I could have ignored it…but since August I have been working in the room ajacent to this nasty eyesore for  up to 18  hours a day…

003 a

…I tried to ignore it…I really did.

004 a

I REALLY tried not to look at it…

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…but it is just SO bright…and it’s the first thing you see whenI look up from my desk…something had to give!   lol

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I decided that I could not live one more day with this space taunting me and insulting my sensibilities.   It had to go!  

I also decided  that the cheesy grey cupboards would have to change too.   Now…if I am not loving the cabinet doors…why not experiment on them?

SO… Before we head to the hardware store and replace the cupboard doors…I decided that maybe I’d like to try something that I’d read about. 


Have you ever heard of this?   It’s a kind of liquid sander/deglosser.  It makes painting projects a lot less messy…and much faster!   I thought I might give it a try…see how she worked…

So I prepped and primed…edged and rolled…scrubbed and primped and planned…cleaned and organized, decorated and arranged and played to my little hearts content.

Do you want to see how I made out? 

First, let me remind you of the before:

004 a

This kitchen is what nightmares are made of…
or should I say WAS.

NOW… in comparison, it is an absolute dream!
Take a look:

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I am 100% sure I don’t have to tell you what surfaces I put paint on…lol   I am amazed at how different this room looks and feels with just a can of paint!

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I am not quite finished in this room.   I would like my Cowboy to cut me some pretty mouldings to attach to the front of the cupboard doors to add some detail.  

I may also decide to go a shade darker on at least the lower cabinets…but for now…

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I am pretty sure…

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I can live with this view from my studio for a while. 

What do you think?   Did I accomplish my goal for this room?

I am pleased with it…quick, simple and neutral.

Well guys…that’s it for me for today.

I am back to the sewing machine tomorrow!

Until next time…  Happy Decorating !!!  ( and re-finishing!)

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

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Monday, July 24, 2017

By Request…More on my Magic Socks.

Hey again…at the risk of sounding like an infomercial...after my last post where I told my story of success with my magic socks…I had a few of you want to know WHO these socks would help and what benefits they can expect to have.  To see that post click here

When you have a product with such INCREDIBLE RESULTS, it's no wonder we have people running all over the place with them on. No one else has this technology…this Canadian company is taking the world by storm!


I personally have become an independent associate and have sent socks all over the place now…even to Australia!

June marked the 1st anniversary of these magic socks being available in Canada, and in September, it will mark the 1st anniversary for them being offered in the USA!   They soon going to be available to the UK as well!  


Who do these socks help?

  These socks are literally for EVERYONE...young, old and in between...

Testimonials from people with these conditions (and more) have been positive.   Some will benefit from just wearing them:
Keep in mind that everyone is different the money back guarantee is there in case you are one of the ones it will not many people everywhere, have seen results.

Aches and Pains
Back pain
Balance Issues
Circulation Issues
Degenerative Disc Disorder
Flat Feet
Foot Pain
Huntingtons Disease
Joint pain
Knee pain
Leg pain
Migraine headaches
Muscle Cramps and spasms
Muscular Distrophy
Parkinsons Disease
Restless Legs
Sciatica pain
Vericose veins
...and more


Just wearing the socks or insole could give you:
Better Balance
Clearer Thinking
Quicker recovery from Injury
Better Range of Motion
Accuracy in sports
More Eccentric Force
More Endurance
More Power
Better Quality of Life
Reduced Fall Risk
Ease at Standing all day


If you are SOLD…and want to give them a try…visit this website…or contact me and I will help you get a pair ASAP.   I am an independent associate.

If you would like to see the testimonials of people who have tried the socks and insoles...let me know that too...I will direct you to how to see them.   There are also many on the website below.

I can not say enough good things about the way these socks have changed all of our lives…my Cowboy is pain free…I am all the way around better in general and pain free…and my kids love them too.   My son has IBS and noticed that when he wears his magic socks, he doesn’t have attacks…but the day he didn’t…was not a good day.

Until Next Time…Keep Believing in Magic!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot…
chalk board sticker
Check us out!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Do YOU Believe in ‘Magic’?

Hey guys! 

I know it’s been a while since I have made any new posts…but sometimes life takes over and things get busy and time slips away.  I have also been dealing with some serious health concerns as of late, so I am not up and running like I was before…but I am on my way!

You won’t believe the story I am about to tell you.

I am very excited to say that finally I am beginning to feel a LOT better!   For the last few years, my health had been slipping further and further down hill.  This last 18 months or so, were the worst yet.   My Hashimotos (thyroid autoimmune disease) had gotten so bad that it was affecting my Adrenal glands.   This inflamed the fibromyalgia that was caused by the Hashimotos, and I was in constant pain…and …and…and…

The Adrenal issues, caused me to become increasingly tired…and weak.   Some days I could not walk more than a few steps and either fatigue or pain would make me sit down.   Because of this I was extremely grateful that I do not have a greenhouse to tend to right now, as I just would not have been able to keep up.  I was having frequent issues with everything going black and passing out…and the list goes on.   I am sure you get the idea…

Being so sick, and not having a really good doctor, caused me to become worse and worse…I was depressed about being unable to keep up with the things I loved to do…and could barely get my energy up enough to draft the patterns and create my designs for my little clothing company Chic-a-Boot.   When I would get large orders from stores wanting to carry my products I would have huge anxiety and would be worried that I would not have the energy to fill them.   But…I forced myself…pushed my body to it’s brink and just barely managed to get through. 

I am grateful for my Cowboy, a few good friends and my kids for stepping up and helping me to get my work done and keep up with my household responsibilities…without them I would never have made it this far.

The urgent trips to emergency at the hospital were getting more and more frequent…and something needed to change.

I literally felt like I was dying. 

On Mother’s Day, I took my little company to a market.   It wasn’t a very large market, but I did very well.   My Cowboy was there with me, and at one point he decided to take a little walk around to see what everyone else was selling.   When he returned with the pamphlets about these ‘magic socks’ I was skeptical.

He had come across a product that he was told would take pain, increase energy and stamina…and all sorts of too good to be true results…    We actually laughed about them all the way home.   “magic socks…what a crock…we should get some just to prove them wrong!”   (after all they are guaranteed to work …so what did we have to lose!)

And that is just what we did.   We went home, and we were both still thinking about how these socks were supposed to help with all sorts of issues that we were both suffering daily with…so we decided to place an order. 

Our order arrived just in time for us to be taking a little road trip.   I was not looking forward to the drive…my legs HURT SO BAD…especially if we had the air conditioning on in the truck.   I could not turn my head more than just a little bit either way without pain and my frozen shoulder was announcing itself that day with no relief.   The Cowboy was having pain (from all his years as a bull rider) in his back really bad that day and was hobbling around like an old man…so we thought…what a better time to put these socks on and give them a run for their money!

We were packed…had our ‘magic socks’ on and were ready to hit the road!   Within the first two hours, I noticed that I could turn my head, move my arms and that there was no pain to do so…The Cowboy could feel his toes tingling a little bit…and was noticing right away that his back was not bothering him as much…we had the air conditioning on in the truck…it was blowing on my legs and I had NO PAIN!   By the time 3 hours had passed…we were both pain free…and feeling really good!
We were amazed.   We kept wearing our socks…washing them at night and putting them on first thing in the morning.   After the first week…I noticed that I was not needing to rest or nap…the pain was gone…and I was feeling a bit more like my old self every day.   Within two weeks…I had a lot more energy…still had no pain, and I was not having any of the feelings of depression or anxiety that I had been suffering for so long.   I also noticed that I had not had one night of insomnia in all the time I was wearing my socks!   The cowboy noticed he wasn’t suffering from any pain, and that his athletes foot that had been so bad for many years had cleared up!

We were convinced…these SOCKS WORK!   So we decided to sign ourselves up so that we could get them at wholesale. 

I have been going to my new doctor for a few months now, and she has been trying to regulate my thyroid.   The old doc that I had in our town, was not very efficient, or concerned about proper dosages…would just write a new script for something to mask symptoms…and really never treated anything.   This new doctor is different.   I have had a LOT of blood drawn, and a LOT of different tests…she is very thorough. 

Every month since wearing my socks, we have decreased the amount of thyroid medication that I need.   My tests are coming back better and better every time, and I feel great compared to a few months ago.     I told her about the socks…and she was super excited about them.   She had heard of them, but had never seen any of the info about them in person.   I told her that I was not taking anything for pain anymore…and that I didn’t need the meds to help me sleep or stay calm anymore…the heart palpitations had stopped, and so much more.   She was very supportive of these socks…and is actually referring people to me when she feels they would benefit. 

We have been telling our friends and family about them, and they are ordering from us…and their friends and family are hearing about it …and so on and so on…and suddenly I have another business (completely by accident) and have been super busy helping others to feel better.  Between the socks and my Chic-a-Boot business…I have been going hard every day like I used to…and loving every minute of it.   I am even looking forward to the construction of a new greenhouse very soon, so I can get back to gardening.   I am so excited to finally be feeling like ME again.

I truly did not know how many things were hurting on my body…until they weren’t hurting anymore!   The socks are not a cure…but they are a natural and safe way to help calm some of the symptoms of dozens of conditions. 

 Some of you guys are friends with me on my personal facebook page, and have seen me talking about them all the time…some of you have even ordered some…and love the results you got too!   Thank you by the way, for supporting my accidental little venture.   It is so much fun to hear the testimonials of those I have helped with my ‘magic socks’.

If you would like to know more about my socks, and who they will help…(and the list is LONG)… I would LOVE to tell you about them, teach  you how they work,  and show you how to get some.    All you need to do is …shoot me a message on facebook…phone me…or send me an email at   …OR leave me a comment on this post with your contact info.     All of my comments are moderated, so I won’t publish anything you write me.   I know that sometimes health concerns are personal and the whole world doesn’t need to know. 
I look forward to more and more improvement in my life…and to helping you guys feel better too!

Until Next Time…Happy Everything! 
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot…
chalk board sticker
Check us out!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How Fast…

Hi guys.   It has been a while since I shared anything new…and the only excuse I have is that I have had NO time to sit and write!   Things have been crazy now for over a year…go go go!   I am so very happy that my little company is going gang busters, but sad that I have had to eliminate many other things to accomodate it and the most important thing…family.   That said…This Toots Misses YOU GUYS!

This post is covering a LOT of business in a short bit of time…

This Friday will mark ANOTHER birthday for Tootsie Time!!!  I made Tootsie Time as a birthday gift for myself on May 12  2008…and never looked back.   I have absolutely loved sharing and learning and growing and getting to know some amazing people because of this blog,  and as soon as there’s time, I have SO MUCH more to share.   Thanks all for being patient.  

This Sunday is Mother’s Day!!!
For me this is a bittersweet Mom’s day, as it will be my last with 3 kids.   In just a few weeks my amazing son will turn 18 and become an adult.   As proud as I am of what a fine young man he’s become, I am saddened at the thought of him being all grown up.   I truely thought I had more time…one minute he was just a little boy and now I look at a grown man standing before me…My girls are growing more each day into fine young women, and I just wish on wishes I could turn the clock back and keep them small a little longer.   My kids and I are very close, and always will be…they are my world.

Coming in June is my son’s Graduation…then in July is his birthday…and then college…and ….and…and…lol
Happy Mother’s day to all you Mom’s out there that have been proud of and loved your kids since before they were born…<3   I hope every Mom out there gets the recognition that they so richly deserve.  
If I could give my children three things in this world they would be
1.   the wisdom to know their self worth.
2.  the strength to chase their dreams.
3.  the ablilty to say NO to anything that does not bring them happiness.  
I Love you ‘Mr.B’…’Georgie’ and ‘Busy’…Thank you for making me the luckiest Mom in the world.

Until next time….Happy Mother’s Day!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot
chalk board sticker

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hey…Just a Quick Note

Hey guys...thanks so much for all the emails and messages to see where I am and if I am okay!
I AM okay...just been super swamped with orders for my new spring line. Here's some examples of what's filling my days To see more check out the Chic-a-Boot page or visit the website! Clementine Dark Chocolate 4                     Ella Dress in Cream 1
Florence denim jacket sage 2
I promise to get back to Tootsie Time as soon as I get a free minute to share something! I am not gone...just otherwise occupied with my family and with work.  
Betty Bloomer Pant Oatmeal Linen 5           Grace Top in Cream 3
I never dreamed that this is where my life would take me, and that I would be running a successful clothing company…Never in a million years did I think I could accomplish something like this…so please be patient…I will be back ASAP
Until Next Time…Happy Living Life!

*)*)*)… I refuse to let my dreams just be dreams. Never let go of what you want because someone else wanted me to live theirs.  Succeed in spite of the obstacles and the negatives.
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

I Wasn’t Born in a Barn…But We Built One…

…. Well…Kinda. 

Welcome back!   I am glad you stopped in to see what’s new!

I WAS going to share another room in my house that I did a little work on…but decided that it can wait.   This post is WAY more fun to share!

As you remember, my little family moved out to the country …it was one full year ago on Halloween to be exact.   I recently shared a little bit of where we live.   Click here to see what home looks like to us now.   And if you have been following Tootsie Time a while, you know we have a horse.


A spoiled...






brat of a horse.


He has a saddle, and all the things that a horse needs...but ...Well…Cruise…(that’s his name) didn’t have a house!  He does have an annoying magpie friend though...ugh.  That stupid bird hangs out on him quite often.   ugh ugh!


Not having a house to live in is NOT an option at our place.   Every pet we have is loved to bits and pieces and well, lets face it…treated pretty much like royalty and spoiled rotten.   Cruise is no exception to this rule.


The previous owners of this place had horses…but they didn’t have any kind of shelter for them.   There’s a tack shed…and a garden shed…and a quad shed…but no barn.  This would NOT do!

When Cruise came to live with us, the plan was to be that before winter got to this part of the world, he would have some sort of shelter from the elements, should he need them.

Now…if it were up to me…he’d be living in the garage with the heat on and a blankie to curl up in…but the Cowboy says that is not good for him on any level…so that isn’t going to happen.  That is when the plan was struck.

We happened to have some of the second cut spruce slabs left over from the tree house that the Bickering Builders put up about a month ago…and we had some other wood sitting in storage from another project that we had done…so we decided that all we needed was another bundle of the slabs, and some screws…and we were good to go.   We like the rustic natural look of the spruce slabs…some of them still have bark on them, they are imperfect and they seem to be just charming enough to use around the yard.   We didn’t want the ‘brass and glass’ look…we wanted it to kind of blend in with the trees.

This is what we came up with.


Easy…simple, and very inexpensive shelter.   It measures 16 feet by 14 feet.  Nothing fancy…but big enough to hold a couple of horses.  (hint - hint Cowboy) *)

Cruise seems to be okay with it.   He ‘helped’ us with all of the building…snoopy bugger that he is…and he’s super calm, so the sound of the chain saw and other tools didn’t even phase him.   ha-ha.

barn 1

Here he is checking out his new digs…gotta inspect every corner…

barn 2

I gave him a little grass in there to see if he’d stay…


…he did!

barn 4

He went in and out a few times… it was cute to watch him checking it all out.

barn 5

I think his winter hair makes him look all wooly and snuggly…

barn 7

Say Cheeeezzze!   Ya…I know…But I just adore him.

barn 8

So that’s the little house that my Cowboy and I made …it took us one full day to start and finish it…and we are pleased with the end result.

I might ‘cute it up’ a little bit down the line…but for now I think it will be fine the way it is…that way Cruise can get completely used to it before I go hanging decorations on it.

That’s it for me today!   Thanks again for stopping by!

Until Next Time…Happy Building!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

today’s post has been proudly sponsored by Chic-a-Boot
chalk board sticker