So I decided to give you all a little directory of what I plant. I could not get it to work as a link I made my own. I do hope you find it helpful! I also may not have ALL of the plants that I sow in the greenhouse on here yet..a list of this nature is a work in progress! Each year I plant a few that I have never tried this is an ever growing list. ( all yard type photos are from MY gardens...each plant grown in MY ME!)
Likes full sun-except in areas where hot summer sun is an this case part shade is best. Pinching out tips and removing withered blooms will keep this plant compact and extend it's flowering season. Ageratum comes in several colors, but the color shown is my favorite.
This is an excellent border or edging plant as it is short. Grows to about 6-8 inches tall. Always check the label on this plant, as there is a variety that is not a dwarf. That one will grow to about 2 1/2 feet.
Coleus is a beautiful foliage plant. It can survive in full sun, if kept moist, but prefers light shade. If you left it in the sun, its colorful leaves will not be as dark. It fades in too much sun. Pinch plant back at growing tip to encourage a bushy growth and remove flowers as soon as they are forming. Coleus is also a good house plant. It will grow 8-10 inches tall.
Dahlias can grow from one to eight feet tall. The shorter varieties are fairly compact plants and they are prolific bloomers. They require frequent removal of the spent flowers to keep the plant attractive. This plant will bloom non stop form June until frost. They like full sun to partial shade. Too much shade will cause a leggy appearance to the plant.
Heliotope is a very pretty plant. The dark green leaves and the beautiful purple flowers are a welcome addition to any garden . The most wonderful characteristic is the smell of the flowers. They smell like vanilla or cherry pie! This plant likes cooler temperatures in full sun or partial shade. It will grow to about 12 inches tall. Pinching back will promote bushier growth. I have to use caution with this plant, as my dog likes the smell and will nibble on it. Heliotrope is poisonous to pets!
Lavatera is a very pretty addition to your garden. It is a tall plant that should be planted at the back of your bed. It will grow from 1-7 feet tall. Lavatera loves full sun. This plant comes in many colors but the most common is pink.
Malva Maritiana Malva Zebrena
Malva is a beautiful plant for the garden. It Will grow from 1-7 feet. Malva is directly related to the Lavatera that we discussed earlier. Malva is a bushier branching and aggressive flowering gem for any garden. This plant loves full sun, and is very easy to grow. May re-seed itself the following season.
This lovely plant is a member of the Daisy family. It comes in many different and very bright colors. It will do well in a pot or a bed. It will grow to about 12-18 inches tall. Osteospermum likes full sun and will bloom all season long. Removing the spent blooms will make more blooms appear. This plant is a favorite of mine.
Snap Dragon
Sweet Potato is an unusual green plant whose leaves grow in differnent shapes and sizes. It is a good plant for training along a trellis or for hanging baskets. It is related to the morning glory family. Will do best in partial shade but will tolerate the hot sun if necessary.
See you all back here for Fertilizer Friday!!!