
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grabbing Inspiration, and making it My Own.

I’mmm Ba-ak!!! hee hee…and I have more to share! Proof of why I have not been around bugging you all….Remember the settee that I posted last week?

Well she came with friends!


Yep…these two teensy ladies were in the deal. Two very petite chairs. I think Gloria said they were game chairs, and they should have had a small table between them for a chess board or something. Well, sad for me that there is no table…(I’ll fix that one day too…) but lucky for me that there is not one…but TWO chairs for me to play with. I know, I know…enough chit chat…lets get to the nitty gritty…What on earth does a Tootsie do with two such chairs?028

Well, first she digs out the inspiration photo of the most fantastic chair she has ever seen…and has wanted to try since seeing it…These chairs will be perfect for practice.


Next, she whips out the black paint…gives them both two coats…and rubs a little off here and there for charm.


Loving the details when painted black...


It sort of hides the damage that someone did a shabby repair job on…but not to worry….I have a plan!

I whipped out a chocolate brown twin bed flat sheet….my staple gun and got busy…(no not the lovely assistant ‘Busy’-she was in bed-ha-ha) the working kind of busy!

Cutting, stapling and pleating the bed sheet into a pretty new dress for the chairs.


A couple of hours later…this is what I had!

Now when you do this treatment, you will end up with a LOT of staples…so how on earth did I hide them all? You guessed it!!! I used twisted nylon rope from the hardware store again…only this time I did not paint it…I tea stained it!


Yes I did!!! I tea stained and glued on my trusty nylon rope…did a nice big border all the way around.


Now keep in mind, that I have zero photography skills and some of the following photos are proof of that…


A view from the back…(in the wrong setting)


A view from the front (looks a little more like it should –the rope is not really that bright…but this is the best I could get from my camera tonight. Where did I put them?


For the time being, they are sitting in the living room/dining room area. I faced one into the dining area, and one into the living room…with a pedestal between them.


I put this bust on the pedestal. She goes well with the smaller bust on the trunk/coffee table in the living room.


Another view of the living room.


And another look at the chairs…


And yet another…can you tell I like them? ha-ha

So? what do you think? I love the pleated look….and I didn’t want to steal the entire inspiration…so I put a little Tootsie Twist on it! You like?

Guys, I have been completely overwhelmed as of late. I do a lot of projects late late at night when sleep won’t come. I am trying to get around to visit you all and see what you are sharing. I will eventually…but wanted to thank you for standing by me during a difficult time in my life, and for being so kind in your comments. You can’t ever know how grateful I am for the fellowship. When the up close and in person friends are all gone to their own homes, you guys are always here hanging out with me!

On that sappy sorry slobbery note…I will say thanks for stopping in…stay tuned for the next installment of Tootsie’s late night decorating! (or Fertilizer Friday---which ever comes first! Ha!)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Don’t Do Windows! Or Do I?…

So I had an encounter with the King of Junk . Yes…Yes I did! It was a very prosperous day here for this Toots. I was one lucky girl this time…A full load arrived. Yes…DELIVERED right to my door!!! Now there is nothing better than having Junk Delivered!!! I had to contain myself as I was so very excited...I just wanted to dig right in! But alas...I held my composure, and used my manners...until I was alone...then it was ON!

AHHHHHH...sometimes it's good to be of direct decent to the King of Junk and Silliness (and his teeny Queen) ...VERY GOOD INDEED.

Wanna see??? I know you do!


Today I am sharing just a teeny bit of what I got. See that BIG window? It is out of an old school house. It has 18 window panes that are approximately 10x13 inches in size! 113

I am in LOVE with old windows.


CHECK out the patina on the wood!!! I love the character…

What’s that? Pardon me?

You want to know what I have hanging from the pane?


It is a resin scroll of the Lord’s Prayer. I love that piece.


I know what you are thinking….”ya cudda washed the windows Toots”

Aren’t ya?




I love the 'dirt' on them! I did hose them down…outside with a sharp blast of water…I also used a scraper to remove some of the ‘ick’ (okay lets just be honest here…Pigeon Poop) from them. But, for the most part, I like them a bit dirty. (funny thing for a clean freak to say isn't it? lol)

I do plan to hang some greenery from the windows too...I think it needs a little something...will update when I get just the right idea!


Did I mention that there are THREE of these beauties???? Yes there are! I love them. I hung the one behind the piano and one of the ones in the front entryway. The third is propped against the wall on an angle.


I had to laugh (okay maybe not laugh but I did say a word that made my kids giggle) at the mess I made of my house just trying to decide where to display my windows. What a disaster area this place became. Every little thing about the front entry changed…I added a lamp…light colored accessories…lol…all for a dirty window. haha!

I love the old storm windows. I think they tell a story as they stand. The weather they have endured…the sights they have shared with those who peer through them…

I have several smaller versions of these old storm windows outside that used to be built into my old greenhouse. I may need to make use of them too…!

Isn't a total home make over fun? I have been having a blast re-doing my entire home...just the way I like it. Thrifted, hand made, and unique!

Thanks for tuning in today!!! I have loads of photos to share with you guys. I have been working my little Tootsie fingers to the bone…making new things from old…improving on my own ideas, writing, painting, upholstering, planning and playing in the dirt! I will be a busy girl, posting and sharing this week!

Jackson005_thumb ThreeOrMoreTuesdayLogo vtt thriftthursday

shoppingbagpic2 Please stop by and visit our hosting blogs (by clicking on their logo photos) and check to see what everyone else is sharing!

Until next time!
