
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Friday, July 31, 2009

Fertiizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers- July 31/09

Welcome to Fertilizer Friday! Today is the day I remind you all to feed your houseplants and gardens with your fertilizer of choice. After you have fertilized those plants and given them that kick in the roots to start a beautiful show of foliage and blooms, I challenge and invite you all to snap some photos and flaunt your flowers! All you have to do is grab the photo above, and link your post back to me. You also need to sign yourself in to the mister linky at the bottom of this post!
Before we get started, there is a campaign that I think is worthy of all our attention. Cancer of any kind is a horrible life changing thing. It needs to be cured. I know a special blogger or two that are fighting this disease with dignity and grace and have inspired and amazed me with their brave spirit. Please take this button below and put it in your sidebars. It will link you to a special place to donate or get more information. Also...please look HERE for information about a blooms for the cure campaign that will knock your socks off! Proven winner color choice will be donating $1.00 for each Invincible Spirit Hydrangea sold towards the cause. I know I am going to look for this plant to support this campaign...hey...any excuse to plant shop is a good one...but this one is even better!
Here's the button...
Now...this is my offering for this weeks Fertilizer Friday /Flaunt Your Flowers Post!
Orange Geranium
Malva --finally blooming!
Beta Grape vine (has the cutest little grapes on it)
MORE blooms on my Clematis!
My big pots are in need of something to raise them up already!
Side bed in front...finally filling in
close up of the Geraniums in there...
see all the volunteer Malva???? they are welcome most times!
Weekly shot of the bed in my header is getting better every week!
EVERY annual in my garden is started from seed in my Greenhouse. I am always a bag of nerves waiting for things to get moving and catch up to the ones bought at the professional growers! I think I am taking a sigh of relief now!
Okay....that's my garden...or some of yourself in...I can't wait to see what's blooming around in your gardens!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

When It's Too Dark Out To Weed....

Thanks for hosting this great meme goes to these wonderful ladies... Click the photos of each logo to see more great posts from other bloggers.
I found this old lady at a thrift shop here in our city. She is very cheezy looking ...but I saw more for her than this life as an out dated dust I took her home!
I sanded off what little shine was left to her, removed the awful plastic windows...and primed, painted it cream and then set to rubbing three different colors of stain all over the place! Mahogany, dark walnut and black. Then....I waited and Waited and WAITED....very impatiently for the stain to cure. Goodness it felt like an eternity!
I painted the door knobs and hinges....and waited still more waiting! Have you met me??? WAITING is NOT my thing! was finally time. Well...I may have jumped the gun a bit...hope not or my cherubs and angels are going to Here is my big moment!
The candle lamp is from the thrift shop too...I liked it....
Not sure if I want to add wire to the doors ...for now they are empty.
She sits in the basement on the wall that is the laundry room wall. Inside the bottom is crayons and paper in the drawers...and underneath is full of board games. I have already let the "gang" know to keep their filthy mitts off my cabinet! A close up of the finish....
And a shot with the light on! I think I am liking it for now...Sure glad I found her! She cost me less than $80 for the top, bottom and all the supplies!
And that is what I did when it was too dark to weed last week!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Project (to make someone else's home sing)

Today I am joining in the party over at a picture is worth a 1000 words!!! Thanks for hosting this great party Dianne!! This party is about celebrating the second chance we give to old items that would otherwise be wasted...(or in my case ugly) lol
A one day project fell into my lap.
I had been helping a friend move some furniture, and she had this little cedar chest sitting by her door. I felt a pang of pity for the poor thing...she (not my friend) was just dressed so awful! WHO MADE THAT FABRIC????? When my friend saw that I had that "look" in my eyes...she smiled and said "go for it...fix it up"
And that is what I did.

I sanded the shiny (what was left of it) off, and primed it. Then gave it two coats of cream paint. It only took a minute to see that was HOT outside that day. I grabbed a can of gel stain and rubbed it right over the paint to give it that aged look.Now, that chest has a pillow top on it. And not a pretty one-if I do say so myself-so I had some leather look fabric in the is a preview of that fabric. I love it!
Some new foam, a little batting, and some staples and she is ready to head back to my friend's house. Looking much better if you ask me! I so wish I had better photos!
My friend loves the new look of her cedar chest. I painted the hardware to give it a bit of a lift, and it looks like a whole new piece!
Do you like it?
If you like this one, wait....just WAIT till you see the china cabinet that I have sitting in my garage waiting for me to place in my house, and dress for her photo shoot!
It has been hot hot hot the last few days , and we have been out on the boat working on our sunburns. Fresh air is tiring and that is why I have not been around a bunch. Today is dreary and cold and raining...I might get that cabinet into the house today! (fingers crossed)!
now...go back up, and click the photo or the name of the host of this see more wonderful projects!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers!....July 24/09

Welcome to Fertilizer Friday! Today is the day we get out and feed our gardens and go in and feed those houseplants too! Then...we take our photos of all the blooming divas....and Flaunt Our Flowers!!!
So...grab your feeder...and hit those plants in the roots! I am excited to see what you all have to flaunt with me this week! Today, I am starting in the front yard gardens.
Welcome! Not much is going on here!!!
Window boxes and hanging pots inside the vines.
Front side too huge to take in one shot...and the angle is awkward.
The bulk of it.
Not sure if this is a tiger lily...or is just glowing in Justin's garden that I run for him. lol
My Rose blooms in spite of the aphids eating it!...
Heading back to the back are some pretty divas.
Loads of pretty blooms on the Clematis!
I just love the orange Osteospermum!
And the Orange Geranium...
Short Snaps are blooming!!!
Tidal Wave Silver Petunia...
Blue and reality look pink and
Pale Yellow Petunia.
He is just the neatest Osteospermum....I love the shape of the petals!
Now...I do hope you will take my invitation to join in and flaunt your flowers...
All you have to take some photos, link that post in the Mister Linky below, and grab my photo and link your post to mine!!! There are so many beautiful gardens to see...please Flaunt (and tour) with me!!!