
ATTENTION!!! Please do not steal my content! ALL of the content on this page is property of Tootsie Time is not to be copied and used elsewhere unless with the expressed permission of Tootsie! There have been a lot of my photos found on various websites and none have permission. Removing the watermark is not permitted under any circumstances. My work is MINE to share, and should never be seen with someone else's name attached to it. That is stealing!


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thriftin' With Tootsie!

A few days ago, I was out and about and on my way to the store for milk. I live on the North end of this city, but somehow found myself on the South the Salvation Army Thrift shop. It was a VERY GOOD day in that store for this Toots!
As soon as I saw these...I thought of Gloria. They are still there too. Now there are two things I admit I am not able to do: 1. sit still and relax. 2. tablescape. Gloria can tablescape like no one's business. (I did not purchase these plates...but I sure did think about it.-aren't they cute?)
I did purchase this chair! Is she not just a great find???? All it needed was to have the piping removed, as it was all frayed and worn. Until I find something better, I used this brown braiding along the seams. It looks good for now! I cleaned the fabric, and she is sitting pretty in my sunroom! Not bad hey?

There she is!
I also got this great wing back from the same store that is in perfect condition. $30! I put it in Busy's room for now.
I got this old reminds me of Gloria you know how old it is? Was $1 a good deal????
Busy wanted this....the last time I was in, and the lady just gave it to me for her.
This tray was $1. It is made of wood and it is hand painted. I love it.
This plate was also $1. It is perfect for my room or maybe Jordan's...
Yes...I know...not the prettiest kettle...but it will look wonderful with a plant in it!...or maybe on my shelves in the garden. I just liked the shape.
I got this tea pot for my MOM~ yes I was going to be a gag gift for her...she would be some kinda ticked if this arrived in her beautiful Victorian kitchen...or in her china cabinet with her very pretty looks like it has sunglasses or goggles on it or something...hee is so ugly up close...and it was I thought maybe I'd be a smart ass and give it to her from my kids!!! What do you think??? ha ha !!! (hope she doesn't read me today!) ha ha...maybe I'll make it into a bird bath thing...
I just loved this bowl. It matches a tea set I have in my was only $0.50.
This is the base of the lamp that I picked up for Busy's will be getting a coat of paint soon, the color is very wrong for my house! The lamp shade is bad I picked up a different one...will show you when I am done.
And that is what I brought home from the store that day....did I mention how excited I was? I phoned my mom and squealed like a sissy girl...that was a squeal that would have done our Picket proud!!!
In fact...I was so excited that I forgot the milk completely!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Playing Outside! Tootsie Style.

It was a lazy weekend around my house. I did not want to go too far from home until I have had this tooth removed and all threats of infection and pain were we stayed home. On Saturday I decided to catch up on some yard work -A.K.A. weeding, and a few other things. Come -I'll show you!Remember this photo? It is of the front of my house a couple of weeks ago. The reason I show you this, is for you to see the Virginia Creeper growing up the posts and around the front Porch.
Now...if you look really hard, you can see a sad excuse for one of those plants trying to grow inside the greenhouse on that arch over the desk. It is just not doing as well as I had hoped it would inside. So-I started scheming while I was weeding. During a weeding "break"- I got busy and this is what happened to that sad plant inside...
It got moved outside!!! I have always wanted to put something over the gate...I even tried to get a climbing rose to grow on the downspout...but to no avail (obviously)
I think I like what I see..! I can hardly wait until it fills in like the ones in the front yard!!!
But it sure looks empty in here now! It took a lot of effort to get that arch out of the greenhouse...Tootsie here forgot how tall it was compared to the hanging bars, and the hooks, and yes-the doorway...but as I have proven to myself over and over again...where there's a will there is a way!
Then...I was energized!!! To heck with the rest of the weeding!!! Lets PLAY (Tootsie style)!
There used to be some impatiens growing in a pot that sat inside this urn...they had an issue with some frost and are no more...did I mention we are expecting frost tonight???? YEA...welcome to Alberta! Anyway, I had this little turtle bird bath sitting in the garage...I know it is a tad bit tacky, but I thought I might as well try to use it somewhere...
And ....then I made this! (but not before I did some more is almost done) That thing on top as a finial...IS A SOLAR LIGHT!
The silver one that I had did not work, so I had to change it up....and then paint it all a hammered grey. Here is is in the evening when the light turned on!
I got so excited...that I had to make a couple more! I am getting to be a pro at making them...I only used one screw to make the solar light one! I used grommets instead of nuts and bolts! Sneaky aren't I????? lol
And ...then it got dark, and I had to go inside. The bugs were starting to think I was a buffet table!
What did you do this weekend?
If you have a moment...stop by and see Nan at momstheword...she has lots of advice on making your home sing!!! By clicking on the button to the right, you can get to her!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fertilizer Friday~~~ Flaunt Your Flowers!!!

Wooo Hoo!!! It's Friday!! Fertilizer Friday!!!
Grab your fertilizer and hit that garden...give those plants a kick in the roots!!!
When we are all done the feeding of the flowers...snap a few pictures and link up to Flaunt Your Flowers for Fertilizer Friday!!! Don't forget to take the FF Photo!!
Before we get started...I would like to thank you all for the sweet comments about my abscessed tooth. I was feeling a lot under the weather and in a huge amount of pain...I am no longer going back to the hospital every 12 hours for IV drugs...I am on an oral prescription now and will be having this tooth removed when the infection is all gone...the appt. is for the 6th of July. that we are's my offering this week...
My Peony is blooming! The one in the front is not yet.

Portulaca window box
garden beside the stairs
as requested...a weekly shot of the header bed...nice crop circle hey??? lol
Pale yellow Petunia
Tiger Lily almost blooming!
I thought this pot was garbage!!! seems to be catching nicely!
Okay...your turn. Link up and show us what you have blooming! I always find great ideas in your gardens!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Encouragement From My Heart....and a new blogger!!!

Molly at Molly's Country Memories Home Place was so sweet to give me this award! She even wrote sweet things about me! read it!!:
Molly said: "Tootsie @ Tootsie amazes me with her beautiful flowers and willingness to answer any question you might have and is always willing to encourage you to do your best....A wizard with flowers"

She is just the kindest girl...if you have not been following her really should stop in and see her! Say hi for me!
Thank you Molly so very much for the very nice award! I am supposed to pass it on...I hate choosing who to pass it many people in blog land...mean so much to what I will do is "modify" the rules to suit myself!
I am giving the award to anyone who comments to me today!! an effort to follow the rules...I will single out a few in general...
I am listing some very special receive this award...(click their names to visit them)
-Nan from Momstheword....for motivating me and encouraging me and so many others to get busy, and share our cleaning adventures!
Janet from This is my Life she is such a great girl...did you see the award she made just for me??? it is in huge form...proudly displayed at the bottom of my blog...
Bo...from Blinks 'N Winks from Brown Eyes....for the sweetest comments a girl could ask for! I always get excited to see her name in the comments!
Teri from Boosalis Bloggle....cause she is a crazy nut with a super sense of humor and a great blog. I adopted her recently...just cuz! lol
and last but not least...
Darla from Family and Flowers....and More Family and Flowers...she has some of the prettiest gardens I have seen in a long time. She is a great mom and a good friend. She recently had some blogger issues...and had to start More Family and her first blogger account ran out of room!!!
I do hope you will stop by and say hello to these gals. They would love to see you...and are great hosts!
Thanks again Molly!
Now...I also would like to introduce a new blog to you all! Southern Style in a Northwest Garden is a new addition to my blog she has been participating in Fertilizer Fridays and I just love seeing her flowers! Her garden style reminds me very much of Terrie...from Terrie's lil Piece of serenity...At any rate...take a peek at her blog...say hi for me! She is a very nice lady and I am sure she will enjoy hearing from so many wonderful gals! I enjoy her blog and her comments and thought you all might too!
That's all for today guys...see you tomorrow!

Happy Father's the World's Greatest Junkin' Dad

There is this guy I know. I have known him all my life. He has made me mad, made me sad, and made me smile. He has a heart of gold and has taught me many things. I call this guy my Dad. Around Mother's Day...there are a million sappy emails and sentiments that go around...but Father's Day doesn't seem to have any of this mushy I was forced to write my own...It took me a long time...lots of deleting, and tweaking...but here is what I came up with. Dad is not your ordinary guy. He is a very talented (and honest) auto mechanic. When you take your vehicle to my Dad to have repaired...he doesn't just mend the problem...he fixes it. There are some who have been touched by my Dad's repairs ...those who are not wealthy would take him their car, and ask him to just make it work....but my dad would not only fix the necessities...he'd take the time to make sure it was all working.. (and not charge for the extras) His reputation as a mechanical genius has spread all the way from the small town where he where I live.
I have inherited many things from my dad.
- The most obvious...his name. My Dad is named Glen....and I am (in real life) Glenda. gee...wonder WHO named me?
-His crazy sense of humor (my poor mom is often embarrassed by his silliness) He LOVES a good joke...and likes to play jokes on us if he can.
-His green thumb (he loves to have a beautiful yard) one day I will show you photos of how pretty their farm site is like a park. My mom and dad have spent years cleaning up piles of junk (and keeping some) and making an abandoned homestead a HOME.
-His soft heart- he'd give the shirt off his back for a good friend and can be easily injured by an unkind gesture.
-I love using tools....I have to have gotten this from my dad...he has LOTS...and my mom...she's too "girlie" for power
-My pride. I hate to ask for help...will struggle through the job...and be proud as punch that I made it myself instead of buying it or letting someone else do it for me.
-His organization and perfectionism....I always know where things are...even in the hugest mess...or what appears to be a mess. When I do something, it has to be done the "right" way...and finished completely...perfectly...just like he does....he is very detail oriented.
-His stubbornness....we won't go there except to say that when he decides to do ...he does
-His love of junkin! (or should I call this an addiction?) This guy was junkin LONG before it was "cool". Some of my fondest memories of hanging out with my dad were when I was a little girl and we would go to the city dump and find "treasures" (and my mom would sometimes not be so happy with either of us) (that's me when I was 3)
This junkin was also one of those things that a "cool" "vane" teenage Tootsie was not so proud of when she was in high school. NOW...well that's a different story.
My sister and I both like to go to the farm and "shop" in my Dad's "superstore" (garage). Some of the great stuff he finds and just stores....well it is like heaven to a junkin diva!!! And some of the things he has made out of his finds over the years....well...I could go on and on...he is very creative.
I tried and tried to get a photo of my Dad...and all I ended up being able to get was "a photo of the back of his legs! He was worried that the next top model people might stalk him or something! (ha ha..posted it anyways!!! ) Oh and those feet in the photo? they are dancin feet! I don't think those feet missed one song at my wedding or graduation! (maybe they were celebrating that I was out of his hair? NO...couldn't be that!-ha ha!)So girls...just play along here...picture in your mind..."Dr. House" Hugh Laurie. (only without the cane, drug addiction and mean spirit) lol That man reminds me of my Dad. When we watch that show, I always think of him. Now he doesn't look EXACTLY the same...My dad has a little less hair...a couple more laugh lines and he shaves most of the boy does this man remind me-and a lot of other people- of him! (right now...he's probably looking at my mom...with a grin that says "boy are you a lucky woman" lolI don't look much like my dad-I look like mom...but I certainly do act like him. I am not afraid to get dirty...and I like a good joke...I am not the most patient girl in the world, I am rarely late....and I LOVE MY JUNK! LOL (oh and did I mention that I like to "miff" my mom sometimes????) lol
Those blue eyes were like magic for my sister and me...he could move us across a just giving us the "eye". Mostly they were smiling eyes...but when he had to give us the "eye" was the evil eye...a silent warning...of things to come if we didn't smarten up NOW.
I love it when my Dad will tell stories about some of the rotten or crazy things he did when he was a kid...and I always think to myself..."wonder what the punishment would have been if I DID THOSE THINGS!!!" I also wonder why he waited until I was long moved away from home to tell me these hmm....
Anyways...I just wanted to mention my great dad on Father's day. He deserved a post reserved just for him...after all...he did have to put up with Lilsista...(I was a perfect child) and all.. hee hee
Thanks dad...for helping me become the person I am today. For teaching me that doing things right the first time is the best way...for the OCD, the Green thumb, the love of building things, your name, junkin and jokin! I hope you had a great day...and be assured...I will prove to these ladies that I am not kidding when I say you look like "House"!
Ya never know when your oldest goofball will jump out of the bushes...and snap a photo of you (like the paparzzi)!
Love ya Dad!
love Leenie

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Man Room...and Surrounding area

Hey! Here I am AGAIN... happy as a clam to have another area (or several) cleaned up for the summer! Momstheword is hosting a summer cleaning frenzy and I'm ALL IN! Stop by and see what she has in the way of inspiration, and encouragement...motivation and won't be disappointed! (no pressure
Lets start with the sad excuse of a laundry'd think that with as much time as I spend in could be a little bigger! It is even too small to stack the machines...we tried! BUT it is sparkling and smells wonderful now!
Moving right along...we are looking at the downstairs bathroom that is right next to the laundry...if I could knock out the wall in between....oh such a wonderful dream...It too is clean...for the moment. It is adjacent to the kid's bedrooms get the picture...
Next...we leave the bathroom, and stop to quickly dust the "book"shelves on the wall between the laundry and bath...they are made out of old Readers Digest books. I love them.
If you were to come into the house from the front door...this is the first view of the interior of my home...THE MAN ROOM. Well it used to be decked out in a hockey theme...vintage photos etc...but recently had a make over to include family....mostly kid photos...
I need to hang a couple of the kid's pics still...there are three of each child...first year, last year and current year...and one of the three of them together.
This cabinet is going to be painted black...(blame that on Picket) and it BETTER STAY neat...those books (on one shelf) and the three million movies are prone to laying all over...grr.
Before I got this laptop...I used to play on the computer in that is now "resting"...and that green and cream table...I salvaged from a certain burning barrel...and shabby chic'd it up!
By dusting and moving the treadmill over here...I could camouflage it with the large plants...that way it was not such a huge focal point in the space. I will be placing a large mirror in behind on the pony that who ever (usually me-with a little help from Busy) is on it can still see t.v. when they are using it.
And I am almost finished with this space. There are a few odds and ends...and the carpet needs a cleaning...and some painting to do....but that will wait for another day.
I will not post the will make the post too long and super boring. I basically moved all the furniture, and vacuumed, dusted, did windows, blinds and spot cleaned walls. The other rooms got wiped from top to bottom, and the cupboards got edited to the extreme!
Have a great weekend friends...see you again next week...for more Tootsie-type adventures!
To all who have voted for me in all three categories of the blog luxe awards...thank you so much...and thanks for the nominations! I am so flattered!